In Dangerous Galaxy, how are the other Jedi reacting now that they’re safe from the Senate? Have their relationships with the clones changed? Have any of them allowed themselves to open up about what they went through, about how they may not have allowed themselves relationships because of what they had to do?

Smiling quietly as she accepted the cup of tea Commander Colt made for her, Shaak nodded her thanks to him as she cradled the cup close, savoring the warmth and scent of the precious liquid. Across the table, Depa accepted her own cup from Colt, smiling softly up at the man and then blowing on the tea, a tad more impatient than Shaak for the heat.

Not that Shaak could blame her, Depa had just arrived and it had been raining as usual.

The wind had a tendency to make things cold.

Curled into his master’s side, Caleb napped quietly, the quiet buzz of troopers all around them sending the young padawan into a deep, secure sleep.

Not that Shaak was any better, if she was honest.

Ever since Vod’alor Kote, since Commander Cody, conquered Coruscant and took over the Republic, a sense of security had finally settled into Shaak’s very bones and soul.

The knowledge that the Senate could no longer use them was… reassuring.

That was the easiest word Shaak could use, reassuring. Her actual emotions couldn’t be put into words, the sensation of overwhelming joy, the painful relief, uncertainty of the future, the knowledge the troopers were there…

So many emotions and mixing and mangling in her chest and filling her with a sensation she just couldn’t explain.

And over all of it, happiness, warmth, the knowledge that they were safe.

Yes, Shaak was more than happy to sit with her fellow council member, enjoy the tea Colt had made for them as Caleb napped on his master, his mother’s, lap.

Not that he knew it.

The jedi did their best to shield their own children from the knowledge.

To know you were the product of a Senator taking advantage of a Jedi, to know you were the product of rape…

Yes, the Jedi did their best to shield the children. So many of the younglings were given fake planets to claim their own.

She knew that Caleb’s history listed him as ‘Coruscantian’ born, young Zatt was listed as coming from Dac instead of the home of Glee Anselm like Kit and she was aware that Cal Kestie was listed as coming from one of Stewjon’s moons, instead of the planet.

Just enough that his biology could be explained but try not to put him to close to Obi-Wan.

There were many other younglings like them.

But generally, only the parents themselves and the healers in question knew. The only reason Shaak was aware of Cal, Caleb and Zett was because of her own closeness to their parents on the Jedi council.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t know.

But one could only spend so much time together before one figured things out.

Cal Kestie especially was easy to see, the way he looked so much like Obi-Wan and how rare redheaded humans apparently were. That relationship was more of an open secret than anything due to the similarity.

Just like the Vod’alor and Obi-Wan’s relationship.

Or well, almost relationship.

Obi-Wan himself had not cottoned on but the rest of the council could see how much the Vod’alor pined for his Jedi, the way he watched him with a softness that… well, frankly Obi-Wan deserved.

They could also tell that there was no chance in hell Kote would do anything, that the clone was terrified of abusing his position of power.

It made Shaak hope that Obi-Wan figured out things sooner rather than later, seeing as he pined for his former Commander too.

In these trying days, Shaak couldn’t help but feel that they all deserved some happiness. Some softness. “Are you returning to Coruscant?” She looked up from her cup, meeting Depa’s eyes at the quiet question.

The other simply looked curious, so Shaak shook her head. “Not… yet at least. I believe I will stay here for as long as the clones are here.” She glanced at Colt, smiling slightly when the commander straightened in attention, his chest puffing out slightly.

After all, they had looked after her, had shielded Shaak.

She should return the favor until the last of the clones were decanted and ready to move out.

The Jedi owed them that much she felt and by the soft, none-judgmental hum she got from Depa, it was clear the other both understood and agreed.

Let the Jedi give back to the troopers, in any way they were willing to accept the aid of Jedi.

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