In Dangerous Galaxy, does Cody and Obi ever get to relax in those floating gardens that were outside his office?

There aren’t many times Cody has felt greedy.

Living a life as a clone and military man, there just aren’t a lot of chances to feel greedy without disrupting the chain of command and supply lines and the times he has felt greedy are… vivid.

The time Ponds had burst into their room on Kamino, wild eyed with a large box of ice cream, given to him by one of the trainers that favored him. That time he had felt greedy for keeping it between himself and the rest of his vode in the room, telling no one about the ice cream.

The time a sneaky looking Rex had dragged Cody of for a night of drinking with his own General and Obi-Wan.

That time Senator Organa had gifted Cody with a bottle of fine whiskey from his planet, he still actually had half of it hidden in the bottom of his locker, the bottle covered by a broken helmet.

The incident that left the 212th stranded for a full week on a remote jungle planet, the only danger being the predators around them as they all frolicked in a damn lake and forgot about the war just for a while, Obi-Wan laughing as he joined in on some water fun.

That one time the scouting party had come over a whole orchard of wild apples and they had raided the entire orchard to bring back to the 212th a sweet treat for everyone, Longshot sneakily producing sugar from somewhere and the General had handed over cinnamon from his tea stock with a wink. They had baked the apples and… well, Cody had felt really greedy after eating two of those baked apples because his General had, smilingly, given over his portion with another wink.

Then there was that time his General, sick as could be, fevered and shaky, had curled up in the same bed as Cody to keep warm, his form warm and comforting for all that he was sick.

But today…

Today Cody feels greedy.

Because today he’s in one of the floating gardens, completely cleared for civilians with only a few vode around. And Obi-Wan.

Just them.

On a karking picnic cloth, a basket between them full of foods Cody has never tasted but the besalisk at the diner Obi-Wan enjoyed had piled on him when he had come into the diner.

Of course, the moment he entered, even in incognito as he wore a shiny armor, the entire diner had frozen as Cody along with Boil and Waxer for inconspicuous guards, approached the owner.

Somehow, Dex had realized in under a minute that it was Vod’alor Kote under the blank bucket and had instantly started plying him with Obi-Wan’s favorites and asking for a few of Cody’s preferences to pile in a few he thought Cody would like.

Maybe it was Boil and Waxer that clued him in, maybe it was Cody asking for General Kenobi’s favorites to cheer him up or hell, maybe the besalisk was Force sensitive?

Who knew, not Cody.

But he was grateful for the amount of food and the variation, delighting in trying different dishes and watching Obi-Wan dig in, laughing happily as he sat with Cody on the blue and white patterned cloth on the green grass.

There was even an illusion of privacy from his vode due to the bushes and trees around them, and Cody knew that Obi-Wan most likely felt them all around them but having them out of sight seemed to relax the Jedi too.

He looked… happy.

It made Cody happy.

And so did the little ice cream tart thingy that had been in a temperature proof container. It had only started melting slightly in the edges and it tasted delicious.

Or as Obi-Wan said, simply sublime while licking blue creamy niceness of his spoon.

“Will the GAR demobilize the natborn officers?” Obi-Wan curious voice cut through the calm, Cody choking slightly on a piece of tart before swallowing thickly, turning his head to look at the Jedi.

He meet the eyes of a slightly concerned Obi-Wan, the concern ebbing away when Cody looked fine to turn into a slight smile instead. “I… we really haven’t gotten that far honestly.” Cody cleared his throat, rubbing slightly at it. Kark, he hated coughing, always left his throat sore and his chest feeling like someone had inserted a tube to drain fluids and yes, he had that done once when the whole of 212th came down with some kind of karked CIS virus.

Nodding, as if he already suspected the answer, Obi-Wan ran his spoon through the tart on his plate and ate chewed slowly, enjoying his treat. “Understandable, but you should consider keeping some of them that aren’t as… antagonistic towards the vode, some of them made for good military leaders… if they can be trusted that is.” He tacked on thoughtfully.

Putting the thought into his memory back, Cody grimaced slightly. “Honestly General, I’d rather not think about work right now. I just want to enjoy the gardens,” He sighed deeply, looking around. “First time I’ve been to one of these you know.” Cody added a tad wistfully.

There was a pause then warmth pressed up against his side, Cody turning his head to find Obi-Wan having shifted close enough to press their shoulders together. The redhead was smiling slightly. “Then we won’t talk about work, though, I have to ask, do you intend to keep the mandate that has Jedi as Generals?” He tilted his head.

He didn’t look judging or angry, just curious even as Cody instantly shook his head, eyes wide. “Of course not, why would you think that Gene-oh…” He smiled a tad sheepishly.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan shook his head and smiled warmly. “Then I think you should just call me Obi-Wan, Vod’alor.” He stated fondly, gently.

“…Only if you call me Cody,” Cody shot back. “At least in private.” He tacked on when Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest.

Mulling on that, finishing of the last of his tart, Obi-Wan nodded, his eyes creasing with his smile. “Cody.” He agreed and stars, Cody wished the sound of his name in the Jedi’s mouth didn’t sound so natural, his heart throbbing hard as he focused on his own tart piece before it could melt away.

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