omg i love the idea of stimulation tools for lil adhd obi! can we see some more fluff like this?!💙

Pressing the straw to his padawan’s lips, Qui-Gon chuckled quietly as the boy thirstily drank, eyes wide as they peered up at Qui-Gon as he sucked greedily. “Water first, then I’ll see about getting you a soda, alright?” He murmured fondly, giving Obi-Wan a slightly sterner look when a whine escaped him.

That quieted him down and he focused on clearing the cup of water instead.

Obi-Wan had woken up only half an hour ago, the nurses and medics checking him over before declaring that they wanted the boy to stay overnight before they released him, just in case. In the meantime, Qui-Gon had been encouraged to have Obi-Wan drink and rest and for the trip back to the temple, keep resting and drinking.

Obi-Wan however had an issue drinking water at times, it had to be ice cold before Obi-Wan drank it without fuss generally but right now, Qui-Gon was uncompromising.

A cup of water and then his padawan could have flavored drinks.

Back a the temple, in their own kitchen, they generally had several types of concentrates to create their own flavored drinks, mostly fruit related ones, to ensure Obi-Wan drank something beyond tea as too much caffeine wasn’t great on a growing body.

It was the healers that had suggested the flavored concentrates and frankly, Qui-Gon didn’t mind.

He sometimes indulged in them too but generally stuck to clear water or tea.

Obi-Wan however was different and Qui-Gon had understood that, therefore stocked appropriately, be it the foods Obi-Wan favored on special days or be it the liquids required to ensure his hydration along with the fidget toys to keep him occupied.

Finally the cup was empty and Qui-Gon set it aside, gently running his hand over his padawan’s short hair with a small smile. “Well done Obi-Wan, I know that wasn’t the best but I’m proud of you.” He murmured, knowing how important positive reinforcement was for the other.

Pushing into the touch, Obi-Wan preened slightly, smiling shyly up at him. “Now can I get a soda?” He asked quietly.

Reaching into his robes, pulling out Obi-Wan’s fidget cube and pressing it into his hands, Qui-Gon nodded. “Of course, just give me a few minutes. The drinks machine is down the hall and rather busy, so it will take me a few minutes. Do you have a preference?” He questioned.

Pausing, flickering the button on his fidget cube, Obi-Wan furrowed his brows before looking up, shaking his head. “Not really but something fruity would be best.” The boy stated, curled up in the medbed, looking so much smaller for it.

Nodding, stroking his hand over the short spikes once more, Qui-Gon turned and headed out of the room, breathing deeply.

He was so relieved that despite the injuries he received, Obi-Wan didn’t seem worse for wear. Simply tired, somewhat antsy and a bit bored, as anyone would be in a medical facility.

Qui-Gon was doing his best to filter and block the normal miasma of pain and discomfort echoing in the Force in the medical center and so far, it seemed to be working as Obi-Wan rested properly.

It could also be the painkillers he guessed but many Jedi, Obi-Wan among them, never rested well in medical facilities, the general state of people in search of healing, of people dying and despair often echoing in the Force around them.

Even the Halls in the temple had remains of it, despite the Healers doing their best to purify the Force there.

With Obi-Wan’s sensitivity, coupled with his ADHD, Qui-Gon had worried

Well, they were getting out of the facility tomorrow and back at the temple, Yan would be waiting for them.

He was actually nervous about that, he wasn’t sure what Yan would say about Obi-Wan once he meet him and it had been such a long time since he himself had seen his old master
 but, well, Yan had been briefed about Obi-Wan’s condition.

For all their sakes, Qui-Gon hoped it would go well.

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