JediAreCats: someone tries to take advantage of the Jedi’s instincts, and the clones with them retaliate with brutal force.  Preferably Mace and Ponds, although any other clones and Jedi are fine, too! đŸ˜„

Clicking on the video and starting it, this video of the ‘Jedi are cats’ episode opened up with a kel dor standing in what was clearly the landing bay of one of the Venators, a sight most familiar at this point to the fans watching the Jedi and clones shenanigans.

Around him, ships were parked, troopers were working or just milling about and the Jedi simply stood there in front of the camera in the familiar Jedi attire the man in question seemed to prefer.

Settling his claws together in a triangle, Plo Koon watched his men curiously as one was digging through a box and another was filming him. “I’m uncertain what this little experiment is suppose to prove Boost, but as always, I’m quite willing to play along as we’re not busy at the moment, seeing as we are in hyperspace at the moment.” The Jedi stated good naturally, his mask moving in a way that indicated he was smiling.

The audience had long gotten used to several of the Jedi’s facial expression and Plo Koon was one of the easiest ones to read, always coming of as sincere and calm to the people watching.

“Its just something I read about on the holonet sir, a few of the people of the Republic had a question and wondered
 well, its just a little experiment, won’t take more than a few minutes really sir.” The clone, Boost,apparently, stated cheerfully.

Several text bubbles, clearly comments on the videos before, popped up on screen, all containing a version of ‘my feline will sit in any square I put down in our home, taped, drawn or otherwise. Do Jedi follow this instinct?’

Finally, Boost found what he was looking for and stepped into view fully, showing that he was a mostly generic looking clone from the looks of things, however, his hair was red and was shaven into blocks, giving him a unique hairstyle.

In the trooper’s hand, a roll of black tape was held as he made his way over and knelt down, his Jedi tilting his head curiously to watch him work. Slowly and steadily, the man laid down tape, making first a meter long stripe and then another and another, moving around the Jedi until the man was standing in a taped of square of black tape on the durasteel floor.

Then Boost stood, grinning slightly as he swung the tape on a finger. “Well then sir, have at. That’s all I’m required to do.” The man stated with a small chuckle.

Plo, bemused, stared at the trooper, looked down
 and then started laughing quietly too. “Oh I see, this is the box conundrum, isn’t it?” He stated with a deeply satisfied tone at seemingly having figured it out.

 box conundrum, sir?” The clone behind the camera questioned, Boost visibly pouting at his General as the experiment seemed to be a flop.

Plo however, nodded, turning his smile on the man behind the camera. “Indeed Sinker, the younglings back at the temple often do this with the temple tookas. Its to make them sit still long enough to approach them and build bonds,” He gestured down at the taped of area around him. “Felines are naturally curious, they know their territories well and any differences
 well, it is a cause for curiosity, to be explored. Many of them will settle into the area to explore it. I imagine the public thought that might be the same for Jedi?” He turned his head to Boost.

The trooper nodded, sighing as he typed something down on a pad before kneeling down to remove the tape. “Yes sir, seeing so many questions about it, we figured we could test it. Its a harmless little thing after all.” He tacked on, grinning a tad.

Laughing, Plo reached out and gently patted Boost on the head. “Indeed,” He stated, ignoring how Boost seemed to still at the touch and lean into it. “It does however not work on us. Or well, that is a lie, some of the younglings in the creche, it will work on them. But as we grow older, we loose that instinct.” Plo stated warmly, stepping out of the square being dismantled, the last view was a softly smiling Boost as he continued cleaning up.

Underneath the video, a ton of comment came up, from the soft awws of seeing Boost reaction, those wanting to defend Boost little smile and then the massive amount going, ‘TEMPLE TOOKAS!? ADSAFDSFDSF!?’

Sufficient to say, there were more questions after that.

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