May we have some from Obi-Wan’s side in Fresh and young? pretty please?

Admittedly, when he had tracked down the bounty hunter to Kamino, this was the last Obi-Wan had expected to happen.

Of course, the Force had been odd and distracting, almost buzzing in a way, ever since he landed but even then Obi-Wan couldn’t have expected… this.

Time travel.

Three little souls, though admittedly two of them had been adults when they were pulled back.


Because it was clear, to both Fett and Obi-Wan, that the both young Boba and young Din had been effected by their travel through time in more than just physical, their mentalities had clearly shifted with their bodies, the one being least effected being Grogu.

Oh, of course they still had their memories, some likely horrible, traumatizing and some good ones but clearly their mindsets had been shifted about them, leaving them as precocious children to anyone that did not know better.

They would clearly need a special hand, special protection with what they had gone through, maybe even therapy.

Especially Din, Children of the Watch were… well, if Obi-Wan was to call them anything, it would be a cult. With their religious adherence to the code they had, it turned more towards cult than anything, though it didn’t quite fit at the same time. It was just the closest Obi-Wan came, especially with the adherence that left them as dar’manda if they broke the code.

It was clear that Din had left, either due to having his helmet removed or removing it himself and Boba, as an adult, had been helping the other cope, but now…

Well, as Fett had said, a lifetime of habits didn’t change overnight and a lifetime of being told that you had to keep your helmet on or you were no longer part of the people that raised you, that you were an outcast…

It had clearly left an impact on Din, as he bent his head so the hood slid further into his face as he continued eating, nibbling on the soft bread he had used to mop up some of the sauce of the meal.

Still Obi-Wan wondered how he had managed to get into a situation like this, sitting at the dining table with two time traveling adults become children while the other real adult was of changing diapers.

Because Fett had feed the baby tiingilar.

Even Boba had stared at his father as if he was an idiot, the man having admitted it once Grogu had suddenly farted so hard it seemed his little body had vibrated and then an awful smell had come. The look on the man’s face when Boba had very loudly declared that Jango was in charge of changing the diaper… oh, Obi-Wan wished he could have taken a holo of that.

The look of resigned dread from someone that had changed diapers before and knew what he would potentially find, despite Grogu being a totally different race. This was a man knew that ninety percent of raising a baby was fluids of different types and he had made this diaper worse by giving said baby something his stomach could not handle.

Giving a baby the mandalorian spiced food, bad idea, very bad idea and from the cursing Obi-Wan could pickup and the sound of ample water usage, he would hazard a guess that little Grogu diaper had been more than a little bit liquid.

‘Such is spice to a tiny stomach, this is why you give them tiny amounts of spice, salt and generally stick to neutral flavoring until their stomach’s develop properly.’ Obi-Wan thought with some amusement. At least, despite having liquid poop, Grogu had seemed happy, clapping his hands together while giggling at them all.

Pushing the memory away, Obi-Wan continues eating as he thinks about what the hell to do next.

He’s honestly not sure what to do with the information the two time travelers, Boba more than Din, has given him and Fett.

Does he contact the council?

Would they even listen?

Obi-Wan memory flashes back ten years and an ugly sensation settles in his chest as he remembers how insistent the council had been that they would have felt the Sith if they had returned.

No, he has a feeling they wouldn’t listen. Not even to him, the supposed Sith ‘slayer’, though apparently from what Boba says, Maul isn’t as dead as everyone thinks.

It… disturbs him, the idea of him surviving, of the man that murdered Obi-Wan’s master still alive.

Oh, he and Qui-Gon had issues and there were a chasm those last days but… he had still been Obi-Wan’s master and he had cared about the man, loved his mentor. So the idea of his murderer still surviving somewhere out hi the wide galaxy twisted his heart unpleasantly.

Then there was the clone army, the army that apparently wiped out the Jedi order.

Boba had been confused about that one himself, from what he knew, the clones loved the Jedi and Fett’s face when Boba had said that had been amusing, the way his face had scrunched up in disgusted disbelief.

So it hadn’t made sense to Boba that they’d turn on them. The boy had said, while staring at Obi-Wan, that his men had loved him, that someone named Commander Cody, had been trusted with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber so much he had a hook on his belt for it.

It had implications that Obi-Wan hardly dared to think about.

That Obi-Wan had trusted this commander Cody quite deeply in return.

So if what Boba had said was true, if the troopers had loved their Jedi Generals so much, why had they turned on them?

Furthermore there was still that issue that went a bit over Obi-Wan’s head, Jedi Generals.

The Jedi order wasn’t suppose to be Generals, to lead and army, it was all in the Ruusan Reformation pacts the order had signed with the Senate. If they were mandated to take up arms by the Senate, then yes, it was possible but it still broke the tenants of the pacts and it confused Obi-Wan very much.

There were those that hated or distrusted the Jedi in the Senate, that they would hand an army to the Jedi… it just didn’t make sense. Had Palpatine steamrolled anyone that protested or silenced them in some manner?

‘And there’s that last one that hurts my head.’ Obi-Wan thought wryly.


The Sith Lord himself, Emperor of the Empire…

It just… he believed Boba, of course, but he was still so incredulous.

Moreover, he was scared.

Anakin, due to the man’s manipulations and practically forcing the order’s hands, had been left alone in that man’s care. Had been alone with a Sith lord and Obi-Wan…

His mind flashed to some of Anakin’s arrogance, his misconceptions at times of the Order or people… and his anger, always so much heavier after visit to the Rotunda.

Now it made sense and that terrified him, what plans the Chancellor had for Anakin… and if Obi-Wan could save his padawan.

Force, he was so scared and he had no idea what to do, sitting at the table with two time travelers, eating mandalorian food. He wished there was an easy answer, but none came.

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