For DangerousGalaxy, how do the meeting with the Council go? And do Cody and Obi-wan get a chanse to talk about, well, them?

Feeling himself flush as the entire council stood and bowed to him, Cody cleared his throat a tad nervously and lifted his hands. “Please, you don’t have to…” He trailed of, uncertain how to word himself only to relax when the Jedi exchanged quick looks and sat down in their chairs.

“Thank you for agreeing to see us, Vod’alor Kote, we understand your time must be… limited and that you were injured in the coup and therefore recovering.” Master Windu started, watching Cody with clear, brown eyes.

He looked rested.

They all did, slightly concerned but actually rested, the dark circles around the eyes many of them had sported easing with General Koon looking so relaxed in his holo from the ship above Coruscant. If Cody was to take a guess, Wolffe and the boys were taking good care of their buir.

Not that Cody was surprised really, Wolffe had practically been foaming around the mouth for a month now, after finding out how Plo had been hurt by Senators and Cody was willing to bet there were injuries and incidents the other wasn’t aware of… yet.

They would try to dig, so they knew how to help.

“Of course, Obi-Wan said that there were…concerns among the Jedi. I was more than willing to lay those to rest if I can,” Cody raised a hand to his chest, bowing slightly. “And I am in debt to the order for sending a healer my way, my CMO was quite insistent in drilling in that if it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be seeing or hearing so well.” He smiled reassuringly.

He got a small, pleased smile from a few of them and Cody had to tell his heart to still at the sight of Obi-Wan’s soft smile at him.

“Right you are, concerned some of our members are,” Yoda finally croaked, sitting up a bit in his chair. Stars, the old man looked his age and yet somehow like the burdens of several lifetimes had been taken of his shoulders today and Cody felt his heart go out to him. “Hoping to lay them to rest we are, with your answers.” He continued, unaware of Cody’s thoughts.

It can’t have been easy for the old man, being unable to protect generation after generation of Jedi, to see his own padawans walk into the Senate, to know the younglings he was teaching might one day be in the Senate at the mercy of a Senator.

If he could lay the fears of the Order to rest, then by the Prime’s bones, Cody would. “Please, ask me anything that concerns you and the Order. I will answer.” He promised quietly, hoping his sincerity reached them despite the shields he knew to keep in place.

Wouldn’t do for Obi-Wan to realize his feelings after all.

Several council members traded glances but Cody kept his eyes on Yoda and Windu, focusing on the latter when he leaned forward.

He was honestly a bit grateful the master of the Order would stand for the talking. Yoda’s way of speaking was sometimes confusing and always headache inducing for Cody. “There has been questions raised about our… service to the Senate, now that you and the vode are in charge.” The man slowly stated and Cody had to fight not to curse or clench his hands. This was the council yes but the last thing he wanted was to scare these people, especially when he took note of Billaba’s robe being pressed in even if he couldn’t spot anything that should be doing it.

He imagined her young padawan, her son, was pressed to her side and listening, being edited out of the holo, likely by her own men.

Cody didn’t want to scare the youngling at all and he could understand that the order was leery and confused.

“Discontinued, any Senator that tries to request any of you are to be denied and reported to either a liason of the vode or directly to me.” He answered swiftly and grimly.

Instantly, several council members eased up, looking at Cody with undisguised hope. “Reported?” Windu continued, his hands clenched between his knees. He looked like a man that didn’t want to dare hope.

“The Senators have been told, in no uncertain terms, that any requests for…” Cody had to clench his teeth together for a moment, his fists gripping so hard they could all hear the plastoid creak before he managed to calm himself. “Personal meetings with any Jedi are to be preformed with at least two vode in the room and any found to be requesting… service, will find themselves put on a closed trial.” He stated darkly.

Actually, most of that was true, except for the closed trial part. Cody had made it clear to anyone with a history of requesting Jedi, that he would have them executed for rape, coercion and for the worst of them, torture.

That’s what Cody saw some of these karking kinks as, torture.

If you had consensual agreed to it, then sure, that was up to you and your lover but the Jedi had never consented to any of this. So yeah, Cody had made that clear.

Several Jedi slumped, Cody pretended not to see Ti desperately wipe at her face or how Fisto’s tentacles were quivering quite obviously as he stared at his own hands in his lap.

He did take the chance to glance at Obi-Wan, finding him smiling at Cody with wet eyes, full of gratitude and relief.

Moreover, looking at Yoda, the man slumped into his chair with his clawed hands pressed to his chest… well, Cody could only imagine the relief the Jedi council were feeling.

So he took a step forward, standing in the middle of the room, making sure he had their attention as he spoke again. “They will never again touch any of you, no one on Coruscant will. The vode won’t allow, I won’t allow it. You will never be subservient to the Senate in such a manner, ever again.” He promised fervently.

Never again, so Cody swore on his own life and the lives of his brothers.


Vod’alor = Brother’s captain (Siblings captain doesn’t roll quite as nicely. That’s the only reason its brothers)

Kote = Glory (many think this is suppose to be Cody’s name, felt appropriate to use here, as a ruler lol)

Buir = Parent

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