Sweetheart hungry was great. When they get to the Negotiator, Obi is going to find himself in the middle of a clone cuddle pile. I wonder how they would respond if someone tried to take advantage of Obi, thinking that some of the rumors were true.

Letting out a happy little grumble as he shifted between the mass of warmth and hardness, Obi-Wan let out a bone cracking yawn before reaching down to scratch his stomach as an itch presented itself. As his hand encountered bare skin, his memories returned to him of the last night and he smiled sleepily.

They had finally gotten back to the Negotiator, Cody barking orders left and right with Boil following behind the Commander with Obi-Wan in his arms, Helix hot on their trails with Potion dragging any injured vode with him to the medbay.

The CMO however was focused on the Jedi and since he was the one that had best…ah, control so to speak, of him, the other medics were content to leave Obi-Wan to Helix tender mercy.

Not that Obi-Wan needed much care in regards to medical attention, not this time.

What Obi-Wan had really needed was attention.

Which was why Helix had sent of a message to some of the troopers on ship prior to them docking and by the time the stolen ship finally landed, a break room had been transformed into a cuddle puddle room.

The original furniture was nowhere in sight, meanwhile mattresses from several beds were laid out over the floor along with blankets, pillows and duvets, some Obi-Wan recognized as having been unused due to the fact that they didn’t smell like any of the troopers and only of the standard issue cleaning detergent used on the GAR supplies.

But it was the content of those mattresses that had piped Obi-Wan’s attention as Boil finally set him down onto the soft surface. Troopers either dressed in only boxers or their blacks, those not on duty, all of them happy to see him and happy to help him out of his own clothes.

Helix had of course shooed them away once Obi-Wan was only in his boxers, giving him a general checkup and taken a blood test.

But then Obi-Wan had been released from medical attention with the strict order to eat.

Obi-Wan had been pulled into the middle of the pile the moment he was released, Gregor becoming an octopus as he wrapped himself up around Obi-Wan with a happy noise. Hands, warm and callused, found his skin to gently rub or pet, the sensation of affection and care in the Force almost overwhelming along with the additional skin touches.

Obi-Wan might honestly have become a tad drunk on the touches if he was honest.

Sex of course was very good to fill him up but…

So many years of empty sex had taught Obi-Wan how hollow that kind of feeding was, how the view of the person he slept with effected the way he feed. The affection the troopers held for him, the care and love…

It meant that he didn’t need sex at all really and while Obi-Wan certainly wasn’t asexual, there was relief to not having to work up someone to have sex for him to eat, to make them passionate enough that Obi-Wan wouldn’t go hungry.

Nor to pretend the sex was great when Obi-Wan didn’t get much else out of it, it was why he often had resorted to going with Quinlan before if possible.

Sex was nice but it was better with genuine emotions and Obi-Wan just… well he didn’t really have much sexual desire when the person was unfamiliar.

Bant had once stated to him that it sounded like he was pansexual, that his attraction wasn’t in looks but in personalities and emotions, that he needed a connection to feed of a person properly.


All Obi-Wan knew was that he felt better when it was a person he cared for and who cared for him in return, the sensation of a stranger leaving him strangely cold occasionally and the friendly touches of people like Anakin having a bitter edge to them at times.

But a trooper…a vode…

A warm hand traced down his side, prompting Obi-Wan to open his eyes in the dark of the rec room, blinking sleepily at the ceiling before turning his head to squint in the dark, meeting Waxer’s eyes, the bald clone smiling at him before reaching out to gently tug Obi-Wan against his chest.

Going willingly, he let out a content him as another hand stroked along his spine, a trooper at his back following when Obi-Wan moved.

Boil, of that Obi-Wan was certain and when he felt a soft kiss pressed to a bare shoulder with the telltale tickle of a mustache, he was sure.

The sensation made him smile against Waxer’s brown shoulder.

Clearly, it was still night time schedule on the ship, if Waxer and Boil were with him and stretching out his senses, Obi-Wan could feel the rest of the troopers that had come with him, Gregor somehow having moved to the outskirts without alerting Obi-Wan.

The boys were good at rotating, those who wanted to cuddle with Obi-Wan, got to cuddle and Obi-Wan couldn’t be more thrilled at it, feeding from several people left him sated.

And not just in the hunger of his body way but a hunger of his mind and skin too.

Oh, Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid, for all his incubus nature, he knew he was a tad touch starved.

The lack of friendly touch outside of sex had ensured a slight isolation when Obi-Wan wasn’t sure who to trust with his secrets as an incubus and his uncertainty to who might try to take advantage of his nature.

But the troopers…

Obi-Wan was blessed for having them and he pressed his face to the junction of Waxer’s neck, pressing a soft kiss to it, getting a soft hum in return. Yes, Obi-Wan considered himself blessed by the troopers he had in his life.

All of them gems in their own ways.

‘What would I do without them.’ Obi-Wan mused contently, letting out a soft, sleepy noise of happiness.

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