I just finished the most recent update to dangerous galaxy (I’m late, I know) and wow. The Jedi are finally safe, no one is going to hurt them again. But there’s probably still so much that they’re dealing with. The commanders and Rex still have to make sure their commanders are safe, and they may have taken out the worst of the senators, but there’s still the rest of the senate to handle and the new dynamic that exists between the Jedi and the clones. How are the Jedi and their now, I guess former, commanders handling all that aftermath and cody’s injuries/new status

Grumbling tiredly as he surveyed the administration work, Cody rubbed at his temples gingerly even as Helix gave him a warning look. The medic, Helix in particular, had been on him like a burr on a bantha since the conquering of Coruscant, due to him becoming as injured as he did.

Nothing too straining or physical, which meant that Cody was left with a lot of paperwork.

So much.

He could delegate it of course, there were lots of troopers around, Fox was always willing to lend a hand and the mix of vode on Coruscant kept everything running and everyone at ease.

Seeing as outside of the Senators, no one got targeted and after Cody had literally gone on holo tv to show the proof of the Senate’s corruption and especially their Chancellor… well, people were quiet.

There were a few riots of course, a few less than flattering news reports and grumblings but Cody would take that.

The Coruscant Guards knew how to handle the people here and right now they also had the help of 212th and 501st, keeping everything at ease and orderly.

No major burning fires.

There were of course a few natborn officers that didn’t… listen, but those had also been taken care of.

The Venator had a brig for a reason after all, for those that didn’t get shoved out airlocks after a blast in the head.

Not all the natborns were terrible, they were just against clones and didn’t see them as people. ‘…Maybe I should just tell them to release them into the airlocks anyhow.’ Cody mentally grumbled to himself.

Thankfully, the vode outnumbered any natborn officers on any ship and the Jedi always sided with the troopers. Or that was the reports Cody had gotten from various factions keeping their foothold to keep the CIS from taking over.

So far, things were… well, not easy but going according to plan.

An unexpected thing had been a message directly from Dooku, a request to talk.

Cody was leery about that but he was also interested.

Now that the truth of Palpatine had come out and the fact that the entire war had been engineered by the man…

Well, Cody wasn’t the Senate, mid-rims and outer-rims planet would have a better chance with the vode than with the Senate as it was before. But they’d have to see where that went, if the planets reached out at all.

So much work to do and Cody was bored out of his mind by all of it.

Damn, if he could just get one of those giant iced latte things that Skywalker occasionally had…

“Sir, there’s a guest for you here.” Cody looked up from the terminal, blinking blearily at a smiling Waxer as the trooper stood in the door of the office they had picked out for work, one perfectly suited close to the Coruscant Guards but still in the Senate.

“A guest, who the kar-” Cody felt the words die in his mouth as a brown robed man stepped past Waxer and into the temporary office of the head of the Republic.

It was Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan had come to see him.

A smiling Obi-Wan, a happy Obi-Wan, an Obi-Wan without bruises and dark circles beneath his eyes. Hell, Obi-Wan was almost glowing in the apricot colored light coming in through the window, the sinking sun coloring the sky with its rays.

He was beautiful, standing there and Cody felt himself stand automatically, despite his loss for words. He hadn’t expected to see any Jedi, seeing as he was in the Senate.

He had thought, now that they were free, that they’d avoid this place like it was hell on earth as it had been to many of the Jedi.

But here Obi-Wan was, looking healthy for once in the three years they had been at all this and he was right in front of Cody. “Commander Cody,” Obi-Wan greeted fondly, smiling playfully as bowed lightly in greeting. “Or is it Vod’alor Kote now?” He teased gently as he straightened.

“For you,” Cody rasped, limping slightly towards Obi-Wan, noting those green eyes turn worried as the Jedi quickly moved towards him to meet him in the middle. “For you General Kenobi, its always Cody.” He stated, clearing his throat slightly as Obi-Wan gingerly touched his elbow.

He still smiled. “Then I’m Obi-Wan for you. Are you better? Your eye doesn’t seem to have retained damage…” Obi-Wan glanced worriedly over him.

“Healer Che is a damn miracle worker,” Helix spoke up from the couch he was sitting at, Obi-Wan turning to him instantly to pay attention. “Our Vod’alor is gonna need rest, his leg will most likely hurt on bad days and he’ll most likely have tinnitus his life out, but he can see and hear properly. Something I was sure he wouldn’t be able to.” Helix shook his head.

The answer had Obi-Wan’s shoulder sinking, relaxing as he turned back to Cody with a relieved smile on his lips. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I wasn’t certain when I asked the Halls to send a healer for you but… I’m glad it worked out.” He stated softly.

Cody swallowed thickly, staring at how the sun shone in Obi-Wan’s hair.

Kark, why did his General have to be so good.

Compassionate and kind.

If it was just simple lust, then at least Cody could shove it where the light didn’t shine but this emotion… deep and profound…

He mentally shook it of and instead smiled. “I’m glad to see you Gen-Obi-Wan,” He amended at the others quick look. “But something tells me that you’re not here just to see me.” He limped back to the desk, settling down heavily with Obi-Wan sitting down on the office desk edge.

There were no additional chairs in this office, so Cody made no mention of him sitting on the desk. “Actually, for the most part, I just wanted to see you. But you are also right,” Obi-Wan confessed quietly, hands in his lap. “The council has requested I ask you for a meeting, Vod’alor Kote. The Jedi Order is a bit… uncertain, in the face of new leadership and would like some… clarity. Coming from you, it would be the most assuring.” He stated softly.

Cody peered up at the other before reaching out and resting his hand on Obi-Wan’s wrist, squeezing it carefully. He could read between the lines.

Not all Jedi were used to the vode, not everyone had been in their care and some of them… well, not everyone was Obi-Wan, who trusted the vode with all he was.

They needed reassurance.

Cody was willing to provide that. “Of course, what time would be best?” He stated quietly, swallowing thickly when Obi-Wan turned his hand to hold Cody’s.

“Any time at your leisure, Vod’alor Kote, the council will see you at any time today.” Obi-Wan stated, voice low and gentle, his eyes full of warmth as he peered at Cody.

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