For youngandfresh, I’m really looking forward to Boba finally explaining what happened. But I also want Obi-wan to sort of bond with Din. The leg hug was adorable and Obi-wan can’t help that it melted his heart.

Pulling Din up onto the couch beside him, helping him suit Grogu in his lap with one arm wrapped around the little boy and then lacing their fingers together on the other hand, Boba settled as best he could as Din slowly rubbed his thumb on the back of Boba’s hand.

His face still felt oddly sticky and ruddy from crying, his eyes sore and he bet if he could see them in a mirror, they’d be reddish. Boba actually felt a bit awkward looking between his father, who was standing behind the couch with his eyes flickering between looking questioningly at the kids to glowering silently at the Jedi.

Kenobi meanwhile had settled down in the armchair to the left of the couch, his hands settled on his knees as he relaxed back in the arm chair. His brows were raised at the kids and for a moment, Boba wondered how they must look to the Jedi in that hoodoo Force stuff the Jedi had.

Then he disregarded it and instead looked to Din, raising his brow at the other, silently asking what he thought they should tell the other two.

Din simply shrugged, swinging his legs absently.

Honestly, Din didn’t really know much about this time period, Din came from the outer Rims, he hadn’t had the need to know about any of this and hadn’t even encountered a clone before he meet Boba, at least as far as Din knew.

There were many things that hadn’t been vital for Din to know and therefore he hadn’t learned in his and his coverts bid for survival.

So it was up to Boba to decide what to tell the others and how much.

Some things, he wouldn’t be telling Kenobi after all, some things were personal and to be kept between him and his buir and Din. Other things were vitally important for the Jedi to know, to start  change.

Small boulders starts the avalanche after all as they said on Datooine.

So Boba started with the fact that Grogu was Force sensitive, as Kenobi clearly knew, seeing as he had recognized the kid and that he and Din had touched an artifact that had pulled them back in time.

Not only pulled them back in time but also put them in their child bodies.

For the most part, both his buir and Kenobi let Boba talk but occasionally they interrupted.

Asking about the relic in question, to which Boba could only offer vague description. How many years into the past they had gone, which would be about thirty one years old since Boba was now ten. About how he and Din had meet and what he was to Boba, though Boba had promised his buir to explain that later.

Then came the difficult part.

The clone wars and the Empire.

Both his buir and Kenobi listened with the mouths steadily dropping wider and wider in shock and horror as everything was described to them, in gruesome details. Boba didn’t spare them, he had worked for the Empire and he had seen things up close and personal even if he at the time had been cold to it.

Looking back at it… Boba had not been a good person. Oh, he had his own moral code at the time of course, had been surviving with the jobs Vader and the Empire gave him but… no, he had not been a good person.

It also made him realize that his father hadn’t been a good person either. The scars of his past didn’t justify what happened to the clones, they shared their blood too and Boba hoped…

Well, he hoped.

Sometimes that was all he had.


‘Well, and Din.’ He thought with a small smile as Din squeezed his hand gently, recognizing that Boba was falling into a mood despite how different he looked without his scars and fluffy hair. Din had spent a long hour just playing with Boba’s hair, familiarizing himself with it with delighted eyes as Grogu snored on Boba’s chest.

“I… see,” Kenobi finally settled on, frowning deeply as he rubbed at his chin, clearly thinking things over. “It would explain the strange… sensation in the Force around all three of you but I have never heard of time travel through the Force, but…” A wry, almost depreciating smile crossed the redhead’s lips. “As many masters like to say, all is possible in the Force.”

Boba just grimaced at that then shrugged.

“What I’m curious about, for now, is why Din here is trying his best to hide his face. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” Jango stated in a cool tone. If he wasn’t so familiar with himself, Boba might think his father was angry.

But he could tell the other was uneasy more than anything.

Glancing at Din, finding him tugging his hood down again with wide, anxious eyes. Boba squeezed his hand gently. “Din is from a… insular section of Mandalorians in the future,” Boba tried to be kind to Din and the way his covert had been but he could see Din pull his shoulders up around his ears despite how gentle Boba was being. “He was taught to wear his helmet in front of anyone not his aliit or riduur.” He looked back to the adults.

Both Kenobi and Jango frowned at that but it was the former that spoke first. “The splinter group to the Way of the Mandalorian, Watch Children?” He questioned, a tad worried clearly.

Din, Jango and Boba stared at the Jedi in surprise.

The man in question raised his brows in return. “I spent a year on Mandalore, I am quite familiar with the culture, the language and the weapons,” He stated a tad dryly. “I have my own beskar’gam in the temple, though I haven’t worn it since I was seventeen.” Kenobi shrugged.

Jango shifted and whelp, Boba would have to ignore that flash of interest in the man’s eyes. There was no way Jango was going to imagine his own dad kriffing the Jedi with how Jango was literally eye fucking the man right there in front of his own child, yikes.

Then there was the fact that a Jedi had beskar’gam, proper mandalorian armor from Mandalore and apparently was also familiar with Mandalorian culture and language, despite Jedi not being welcome on Mandalore prior to Duchess Satine…

Well, Boba had no idea what to make of that, even less that it was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe that explained why his men loved him so much?

If he was familiar with mando’a, he might have communicated and fit in with them better.

But still, the very idea of all of it went over Boba’s damn head.

Still, he nodded slowly. “That would be…right. Din is… well, Din is learning to be without his helmet but…” He trailed off.

“A lifetime of habits do not disappear overnight,” Jango rumbled, crossing his arms over his chest with a thoughtful grimace before nodding seriously. “I’ll go find one of the cadet helmets for him, if you’re amendable to that verd’ika?” He offered Din, smiling gently when he got a painfully hopeful stare and nod from Din.

Clearly, despite knowing that both Boba and Din were adults where they came from, neither Kenobi or Jango could see them as anything but children.

Which might be for the best actually Boba mused as he pulled Din closer to his side and had the other rest his head on his shoulder, Grogu cooing in Din’s lap. They weren’t reacting as their older selves would, their reactions weren’t as disciplined, their emotions not under as good control and the less said about their bodies the better.

Clearly, for all intents and purposes, they were now children again, just… precocious children with knowledge they shouldn’t have.

…Karking Osik.

Aliit = Family

Riduur = Spouse

Verd’ika = little soldier (often used affectionately, especially with children)

Beskar’gam = armor

Osik = Shit

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