So does Anakin make his move? Does Obi-Wan realize he is attracted to his (unknown to him) mate? How do our boys proceed? Is Obi still getting headaches? Have we made friends with the giant slug? The Snails Are Free

Chewing slowly and thoughtfully as he observed the other, ignoring the sounds of quiet conversations and the click of cutlery on plates, Anakin finally reached out with one of his smaller tentacles and brushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind the others ear as the other gave a startled little noise, blinking at the blond with all three eyes.

“Your hair is getting long, it suits you.” Anakin noted, smiling contently.

Snorting faintly, Obi-Wan set his cutlery down and reached for his wine glass. “I was thinking of having it chopped when we got back to the temple.” He stated a tad wryly, the top of his cheeks notably red as he sipped and Anakin had to fight his own emotions as he noticed the table to the left once more staring at Obi-Wan as he slowly swallowed.

Honestly, when Obi-Wan said he wanted to have some fancier dining, Anakin hadn’t minded it too much.

He was very aware that Obi-Wan quite heartily enjoyed greasy fast food, their trips to Dex with the mountains of food Obi-Wan would sometimes order, being quite revealing in Obi-Wan’s taste.

So if he occasionally wanted to enjoy something a tad fancier, Anakin didn’t mind.

At least Obi-Wan’s definition of fancy was well made food with good ingredient and not fucking gold on food, Anakin never got over his revulsion when rich people did that and he knew Obi-Wan too had a hefty dislike of it.

It was a rather fancy place compared to what Anakin usually preferred. Decorated with what looked like real woods and plants around instead of durasteel and imitation plants or holo projectors, live servers instead of droids and semi shielded tables all around.

It was even mostly full of sentients, sitting in fancy clothes as they dined. On any other day, he might have actually enjoyed the difference compared to Dex Diner.

But seeing people in this restaurant stare at Obi-Wan like they wanted to eat him, instead of their fucking food…

Well, Anakin had the distinct desire to either stab them or throw salt in their eyes. Any eyes he himself was attracting was ignored, he didn’t have eyes for these idiots and the fact that they were mooning at Obi-Wan was frankly pissing Anakin of enough for his tentacles to start shifting in shade.

Something he hadn’t been aware of until Obi-Wan pointed it out, curiously eyeing the grey tentacles turning white as they twitched about. Anakin had to bullshit a bit there, telling Obi-Wan that the it was just all the attention when they were there to eat while being grateful that Obi-Wan no longer got headaches from unexpected eldritch changes.

Not technically a lie, they were being stared of by the clientele of the upper scale restaurant after all.

They all knew who Obi-Wan was, the two Jedi having helped mopping up the insurrection of the planet, a group of dissatisfied outsiders more than anything, and saved the Council of Elders in one fell swoop.

Letting Obi-Wan believe it was because he was annoyed over the attention when he was hungry was easier than letting him know that Anakin was kriffing jealous as fuck and a tad angry the people were being so obvious when Obi-Wan had no interest back.

That and he was a bit terrified that Obi-Wan would return interested if he knew just how much some of these assholes wanted him.

Instead of voicing any of that, Anakin just grinned a tad in response. “I’d rather you didn’t. Never seen you with properly long hair, think you’d look good though but its up to you.” He shrugged absently, absently twirling his fork through the pasta on his plate.

Chuckling faintly, Obi-Wan picked his cutlery back up and cut a nice piece of meat, carefully running it through the sauce. “You like it huh… well, we’ll see. I might keep it, it depends on how much of a hassle it feels like.” He stated a tad thoughtfully.

Anakin couldn’t help but notice that the tips of Obi-Wan’s ears were red too now. ‘…Cute.’

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