I love your stories so much! Can we get a continuation of Sweetheart Hungry? How is the 212th going to take care of Obi-Wan now that they’ve escaped?

Smiling slightly against the warm skin as the Jedi let out a soft sigh of pleasure while digging his fingers into Cody’s side, the clone continued pressing soft kisses to the incubus sensitive neck.

Getting out of their captivity and back to safety had finally left them a chance to feed Obi-Wan properly, Cody quickly stripping out of his armor to crawl into bed with the Jedi, blanketing the other’s warm body with his own as the rest of the vode steered them home.

Hands dug in under fabric to pet and carcass and warm kisses were exchanged, Obi-Wan slowly becoming more aware as the hunger for skin and desire became sated until he was simply enjoying it for the leisure.

Obi-Wan was skin starved for normal affection, it was something the troopers had quickly figured out when the Jedi’s true being had been revealed to them. It had turned a few stomachs as they realized that Obi-Wan had resorted to sex because that was the easiest way to get what he required.

Quickly, they had set up a system, to cuddle Obi-Wan, to let him realize that he did not need to proposition them for what he needed and instead they were quite willing to hold him and press kisses to exposed skin with as much affection as they could.

It made Cody wonder if the other Jedi were aware that Obi-Wan didn’t need sex but intimate touch worked just as well to sate his hunger. He couldn’t see Obi-Wan’s friends taking advantage of him or allowing him to become starved on purpose if they knew it.

Or the Jedi council, Mace Windu and the other were kind, tried their best to save their troopers and be compassionate to those around them.

Cody knew that General Skywalker at least just held the man and petted his hair to feed him, there wasn’t sex involved with those two even when Skywalker was too rough for hte trooper’s taste but maybe the amount of emotions involved didn’t feed him enough when it came to Skywalker?

Had Obi-Wan simply never corrected them and felt desperate with hunger that he just accepted it?

“Better?” He whispered quietly, letting his thoughts rest as he spoke against Obi-Wan’s skin.

“Mhmm,” Obi-Wan sighed quietly with pleasure. “Quite Cody, thank you.” He murmured drowsily, fingertips slowly teasing Cody’s skin in return.

It actually made goosebumps appear on Cody’s own skin and he shivered happily. “Waxer is getting us back to the Negotiator.” He murmured, chuckling slightly as Obi-Wan tucked his leg up around Cody’s hips.

“Mmmn, Helix mandated someone cuddle me the entire way then?” Obi-Wan questioned quietly, tone soft and warm.

Lifting his head enough, Cody raised his brows. “Even if he hadn’t, someone would have. You were starved for days Obi-Wan.” He stated sternly.

In moments like this, it was only Obi-Wan and not General.

To get the other to understand that the troopers were more than willing to be here, to hold their Jedi, to feed him in any way he required. Cody had feed him more sensually honestly, quite a few of the 212th had and calling the other ‘General’ in bed was…

No, titles had nothing to do in bed and certainly not in the kind of relationship Obi-Wan and his troopers were developing.

Obi-Wan grimaced slightly then chuckled, lifting his head enough to peck a teasing kiss to the tip of Cody’s neck. “Might have asked if no one volunteered.” He confessed, yawning slightly before he closed his eyes with a content little hum.

The confession had Cody smiling softly, stroking over Obi-Wan’s furry cheek.

In the beginning, Obi-Wan admitted nothing beyond ‘I’m hungry, I need assistance.’, a life of being either shunned or used the troopers theorized making him cautious. Now Obi-Wan willingly if a tad shyly confessed when his hunger got the better of him and asked them for what he needed.

The trust always humbled Cody.

He never wanted to loose it. “Sleep now, you’re safe. We’re safe. We’re on route to the Negotiator. It will all be alright ner jetii.” Cody whispered, smile growing at the sweet hum he got in reply before he shifted forward and pressed his face back into Obi-Wan’s neck.

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