May we please get more Dinpaz in NeedForTouch? Like seeing how Din is healing and Paz is supporting him? Or if you’re comfortable with this, having Luke take Grogu for a visit to Tatooine to see Boba, Din, and Luke?

Setting the glass down in front of the other, biting the inside of his cheek so not to laugh at the sight of the silly straw in it while making a note to give the bartender a raise, Boba sat down with his own drink and a deep sigh. “So, you’d say he’s doing better?” He questioned quietly.

His eyes were locked on Paz as the mando reached down and picked up the glass of booze, sticking the straw under his helmet to take a sip. And to buy himself some time to think likely about his answer.

“That is… subjective I’d say.” Paz finally answered, leaning back in the booth.

Seeing as he wanted to have a private conversation with Paz, Boba had opted to find the other and settle into a talk in the usual alcove the big blue warrior had taken as ‘his’ spot in the throne room, everyone recognizing that this was pack talk and therefore staying away.

Or well, most of them.

There were a few nosy ones that had to be sent away with pointed blasters on the table and the two alphas visors locked on them.

Honestly, Boba really liked the spot Paz had claimed as his own. It was near an opening in the building, so any smoke wasn’t caught in the alcove and instead disappeared out, leaving it a tad fresher than some of the other places.

The couch of the alcove was also damn comfortable and Din had provided this particular alcove with lots and lots of pillows when he recognized it as Paz place.

“Subjective…” Boba repeated, taking a big gulp of his whiskey, savoring the burn down his throat. If nothing else, the core idiots knew how to make decent booze.

Paz sighed deeply and set his glass down, the pink straw clicking slightly as it curves bumped into it. He settled his elbows on his thighs and pressed his hands together between knees as he leaned slightly forward. “He’s healing, so physically, he is good. Eating for sure, taking care of himself, sparring. Don’t need us to prompt him to do it and he comes willingly for skinship thankfully but,” Paz paused, mulling over it, maybe how to put it into words. “…But he’s struggling still mentally and I wouldn’t strictly call him happy as much as just existing.” Paz finally settled on with a deep sigh.

Boba paused before nodding slowly.

So, Paz had taken note of the same thing as him then. “…He laughing around you?” He questioned lowly, sighing deeply too when Paz shook his head.

“Some weak smiles but laughing, no. He’s struggling emotionally and mentally I would bet. The loss of a pup has always been particularly bad for a dam and Din…” Paz cut himself of, grunting slightly as he shifted in discomfort.

Boba narrowed his eyes at him, slowly setting his glass down.

“…Look, things are hard for entire coverts and we had to be careful,” Paz murmured. “Din was our only beroya. It meant he was often out for weeks if not months and his buir has been dead for good over ten years, he died with Din on a mission, so Din hadn’t really… it made it difficult for him to…” He struggled but Boba already got it.

“Are you telling me that the foundling, his pup was the first proper pack connection Din had?” Boba rasped, groaning deeply when Paz nodded.

Karking hell, no wonder it had impacted Din so hard. So not only given up his adopted pup but also his first deep and proper pack connection in years. Clearly, Paz had been trying to connect at some point, else Din wouldn’t have reacted to him as he did when he found him but Din’s primary pack connection had been gone at that time.

It put a lot of things into context for Boba, having done the same thing himself but he was an alpha and he hadn’t given up a damn pup at the same time. “…I’m gonna hunt down Skywalker,” He finally grunted out, watching Paz jerk to a bit. “This can’t go on. Din needs more than just we can provide. We’re his pack, we’re bonding but its clear that giving up his pup is doing a havoc on his mental and emotional state.” He growled out quietly.

Some alphas could take that as an offense, the idea of not being able to provide for their omega, the heart of their clans and packs as without one, there wasn’t a true pack.

Some alphas would take up the challenge to just knock the omega up, as if replacing one pup with another somehow soothed it all.

Thankfully, Paz was not like that as all he did was nod. “He needs his pup.” He agreed easily.

Too easily almost.

So, Paz had thought the same too then but didn’t have the resources or know how to find Skywalker then potentially. Well, seeing as Boba wasn’t the pack head, Paz not coming to him about it wasn’t too shocking…

He and Paz were still working out their relationship in the scale of this pack, one being the mate of the omega and the other being the brother so to speak.

“Do you think Din has what it takes to be the heart of the pack?” Boba decided to change the subject, picking up his drink.

“Omegas are always hearts of the pack,” Paz returned with strongly before hesitating. “…He needs to settle in, heal fully. Seeing his pup again, holding him, that might help him flourish. So he can hold onto the position as heart of a pack.” He muttered.

Boba hummed but nodded.

Din wasn’t at his best right now, still strong, but strong walls could fall without proper attending. ‘Guess I better get to work on my information guild, Skywalker is bound to be hiding somewhere with the rest of the Jedi… but Organa is on Coruscant…’ Boba paused, glass at his lips.

Now, there was a chance to get a message that way.

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