Excellent new bit for Dangerous Galaxy!!!Ooooh, hope the eye and ear damage is temporary. Or I guess Cody and Wolffe will match a bit more?

Tired and slightly numb with his feet feeling weirdly warm, Cody decided that being in the medics hands wasn’t so bad as he rested among the pillows under his warm, thick blanket.

At least when he was actually in a bad state and was drugged to the gills that was.

It was decent, warm, he wasn’t in a hella lot of pain and despite his face feeling weird, mix of bacta, bandages and whatever else Helix had put there, he was actually fairly content as it was even with the Iv in his hand.

Despite all the fires raging over Coruscant and who knew what else, he felt like going to sleep actually, able to trust his vode to take care of everything. ‘I wonder how many coup leaders can think that?’ Cody wondered in a bit of bemusement.

But sleeping did not occur as suddenly the doors opened to the medbay along with swift steps.

Not plastoid boots, not the vode armored boots.

Soft leather, hard soles…heel.

‘Obi-Wan.’ Cody thought, moments before a soft cry of his name reached him, Cody opening his eyes to find Obi-Wan hovering over him, Helix coming panting after the Jedi.

“Oh Cody,” Obi-Wan breathed out, reaching out to brush his fingertips beneath the bandage covered eye. “What… what happened?” He whispered.

Leaning into the hand, Cody let out a small hum. “Blew up, Palpatine’s corps.” He slurred a tad, tired and drugged as he was.

“It blew up?” Obi-Wan questioned incredulously, eyes wide. “Are you alright?” He tacked on, eyes worriedly glancing over him, taking in all he could.

Cody grimaced but nodded into the others hand, smiling slightly as Obi-Wan fully cupped his cheeks with both hands, thumbs carefully prodding.

Oh, that was nice. No, that was beyond nice and Cody wanted to have Obi-Wan’s hands remain on him forev- ‘Woooah there Kot’ika, pack that in.’ Cody’s thoughts, sounding like Alpha-17 growling, went a full three hundred and sixty in its process even as he continued leaning into the careful hands.

While Cody had long been aware just how far his feelings for his General went, with what the vode had discovered… a lot were more careful about their feelings when it came to their Jedi, a lot more careful. And Cody had to be doubly so now, now that he was in a position of power.

The last thing he wanted was for Obi-Wan to catch wind and feel… obligated.

With the decades… no, centuries really, of abuse the Jedi order had been exposed to by their government, all the vode had figured that they didn’t have what would constitute as a ‘normal’ view on such things.

Or at least what the vode understood as normal, seeing as the government had also engaged in a system wide slavery for their army but the kind of abuse the Jedi had been under, that they were looking into their own now for, that had been going on for generations.

So Cody had to be careful, even as he let those hands comfort him.

There was no way Cody was going to put his General, his Jedi, into a situation remotely like what the man had experienced for decades now. Obi-Wan had to have a warped view on personal relationship with the people in power, many Jedi would likely have a warped view honestly, after so much abuse from the powers that be.

That power was now Cody.

There was no way in hell Cody was going to have Obi-Wan think he was obligated to do anything of that nature for Cody.

So, he tampered down on his feelings and settled back in the bed, smiling a tad meekly at the worried looking Jedi as the redhead’s hands faltered a bit in the air. “Some eye and ear damage. Helix says that my left ear is likely permanently effected but my eye should be fine.” Cody answered quietly, blinking slowly and a tad sleepily.

From the way Obi-Wan was looking at him, Cody felt pretty sure he hadn’t projected his feelings out on him, despite how out of it Cody felt. “Maybe one of the healers from the temple could take a look at your ear?” He offered a tad quietly, licking his lips worriedly, hand moving down to capture one of Cody’s own, seemingly needing the reassurance of touch.

Stepping in, Helix spoke up. “We would appreciate that, as our Vod’alor, Cody should be in the best shape possible,” He stated a tad gratefully, Cody snorting softly only to turn wary when the medic turned mischievous. “And our Supreme Chancellor.”

That got a deep groan from Cody as Helix laughed, the evil bastard. “Ugh, don’t remind me. I have to deal with the karking Senate.” He huffed out, grouching a tad.

The reaction had Obi-Wan’s lips twitching, squeezing his hand gently. “But you don’t have to listen to them.” He pointed out a tad slyly, smiling abashedly at both troopers giving him a surprised look.

Shaking himself, Cody couldn’t help but smirk wryly. “True, I don’t have to. But I don’t intend for this to be a tyrannical reign, so some concessions will have to be made.” He mulled over it before grunting and rubbing at his temple with his free hand.

“But not right now,” Helix stated firmly, lips pursed before turning to Obi-Wan. “Apologies General, but Vod’alor needs rest.” He stated calmly if a tad regretfully.

However, Obi-Wan simply shook his head. “No, you warned me Helix. Just a few minutes,” He smiled slightly, turning back to Cody to squeeze his hand carefully. “Please get ample rest Cody. You certainly deserve it.” He stated softly.

‘I don’t want you to go, please stay, just until I’m asleep…’ Cody didn’t voice his thought, just smiled as rakishly as he could as he settled back, his hand almost feeling cold as Obi-Wan drew back. “Aye, aye sir.” He chuckled.

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