Distantpain!! This is the Obi I need in my life. And I need to see him keep being a badass Jedi calling people out and deserving of all the clone love

Stepping into camp, Obi-Wan watched the faint dot of Slave 1 making its way into the atmosphere, calmly stroking Cotton’s head as he pursed his lips thoughtfully, the breeze ruffling his hair and the trees around the camp creaking almost ominously.

Talking with Jango had been… interesting.

Draining if Obi-Wan was honest, but hopefully his play at the galaxy’s fate would work.

The seeds were now sown and all Obi-Wan would have to do was to wait. Jango Fett was the child of farmers and the child of a Mand’alor, vengeance and rage had been sown into him by the Kyr’stad with the help of the Jedi, his farmer parents had nurtured his kindness that had almost died and Jaster Mereel had nurtured his honor and his battle prowess.

Life had tempered everything else.

All Obi-Wan would have to do now was wait for that mix to come to a conclusion now that he had watered those withered galek sprouts that would become mighty trees.

‘…Ugh, when did I become poetic?’ Obi-Wan grimaced a tad and continued moving into camp, waving as a few troopers stopped to greet him. They had obviously noticed him leaving but respected him enough to not follow him.

It was something he was grateful for if he was actually honest once in a while, having worked with too many assholes and imbeciles throughout his years.

Not all Jedi understood it when the need for secrecy was great and he certainly had no trust in Jinn or Skywalker to be secretive. Hell, if Jango Fett had been known to them, Jinn at least would flap his mouth at the rest of the council while Skywalker…

‘Its like having a damn mole in the temple, always opening his mouth to the Chancellor, as if he is required to know the internal workings of our temple.’ Obi-Wan’s lips twisted with disgust, glancing to where Skywalker and Tano were now laying in the grass, the older laughing at his padawan.

Obi-Wan froze a tad, watching as he gently patted Tano on the head, the girl grinning brightly back at him while flapping her hands playfully.

‘…Did I ever smile like that at Jinn?’ The redhead couldn’t help but wonder as Cotton chittered softly at him, rubbing her cheek to his, recognizing her human’s mood even as his face remain impassive.

He couldn’t remember being that free and happy looking around Jinn, not really.

There was always something holding him back, even as he played jokes and laughed at his master.

Always this aura of never being enough.

No, he didn’t think he had ever been that comfortable with Jinn, not like how Tano was with her master clearly. It almost made him envious.


Turning on his heel, Obi-Wan made his way to the mess tent instead of towards his own tent.

He needed something to do and the troopers in the kitchen were always happy for a pair of extra hands, it would serve as moving meditation. And the aura of the troopers around him always served to relax Obi-Wan.

He knew that Dogma and Zuru would be informed of where he was, so no need to tell them.

They would show up, likely with a cup of tea for him and their own hands to help the kitchen. ‘And some wonder why I like the vode so much… hardworking, loyal and warm in the Force, how can I be anything but happy to see them in return, when you always know what they want from you… and won’t abuse your trust.’

Pushing the tent flap out of the way, Obi-Wan let a small smile cross his lips as Wooley from 212th called out to him in greeting, the 212th apparently on kitchen duty for the day. ‘How can I do anything but trust these men, who deserve freedom.’ He lifted his own hand in greeting and padded between rows of tables and benches, heading into the kitchen to help.

The instant the soft conversation washed over him as he accepted a knife to start peeling vegetables and cutting them, Obi-Wan felt his shoulders lower as he started relaxing. There was nowhere he would like to be than right here, surrounded by vode.

‘After the war… maybe I could go with them, wherever they go?’ Obi-Wan mused as he got to work on a rutabega, smiling as he heard Zuru and Dogma scuttle in and get delegated to their own stations around him. ‘I’d like that…’

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