What about cute Codywan sickfic (either one sick is great)?

“…My legs hurt.”

The raspy voice had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open to blearily peer at Cody, the commander blinking slowly back at him with glazed eyes. “…Muscle aches, normal with… with the flu.” Obi-Wan rasped out.

The entire 212th, or well, two thirds of it, was down with the flu.

Most of them had bunked up together, to make it easier for those that were well to help those that were unwell. Obi-Wan and Cody had taken the chance to bunk up in the General’s tent.

Killer had come by after about half a day and rigged a heater in the room, allowing them to turn the space warm as they laid the mattresses out on the floor with blankets and pillows.

Bunking together was wonderful, especially since they had a valid reason for it that even Anakin couldn’t deny, the other Jedi having been full of puppy eyes when Obi-Wan told both him and the rest of the 501st to stay far away.

They were just too contagious and would be for a full week, it was why they had isolated themselves.

So for now, it would only be the 212th and their General, camping behind friendly lines and recovering.

It was nice to be curled up with his lover.

But they were still both miserable, despite sharing the same bed.

Sweaty and gross too.

Obi-Wan at least felt sweaty and gross, but despite it all, he pulled Cody closer to him with an arm around the others waist, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead. “Another hour and we can take a new round of medication beloved one.” He murmured promisingly.

A small, almost amused smirk crossed Cody’s lips at that, pressing his hand to Obi-Wan’s lower back. “Betcha Helix gets here before you take yours and injects you again.” He teased in a raspy voice.

Obi-Wan just grimaced and opted not to comment.

Regardless how much he tried to convince the troopers that the Force would aid him, they all just gave him the ‘right, bullshit’ look. Or in Cody’s case, outright called him out on it with varying expressions on his face depending on the circumstances.

Like the time he rolled his eyes then groaned loudly after Obi-Wan broke his leg kicking a command droid head off.

Apparently half the 212th heard the snap of his leg over the battlefield and poor Lamb had almost thrown up at the sound in his own bucket.

There was a little tap against his forehead of another forehead meeting his and Obi-Wan let out a small noise, blinking at Cody. “Where did you go?” Cody murmured, smiling vaguely. “Your eyes got all vacant there for a second.” He explained quietly, thumb rubbing at the small of Obi-Wan’s back.

Obi-Wan snorted then shrugged. “That time I broke my leg.” He admitted as he gently groped at his beloved’s blacks.

Cody grimaced instantly, giving a full body shudder. “That was fucking horrible. Almost as bad as when Ponds fell on his head, the wet smack.” He gagged a slight before pressing in under Obi-Wan’s chin.

Humming slightly, Obi-Wan simply held the other. “Let’s just try to get some more rest… this is all awful enough as it is without rest.” He mumbled, trying to slow down his breathing.

Grunting slightly, Cody nodded into his chest. “Rest would be good.” He muttered.

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