Please, please, can we have more about the the snail are free AU? Because I’m dying for it!! ❤️❤️

His master is asleep.

Its a beautiful sight honestly and Anakin can’t help but smile as he sits across for the sleeping man, the crackling of the fire along with the sounds of insects in the night the only thing disturbing the peace.

Well, disturbing was pushing it.

It was honestly a nice background noise if Anakin was asked. The night was slightly chilly, which was why they had built the fire and they were really here just to observe the peace of the planet supposedly.

It was turning out to be a nice time.

A nice climate, green fields with lakes, nothing too otherwordly around them.

Just him and his master and the friendly locals that let the two Jedi observe their worlds and make notes.

Being paired up with his master despite being knighted was something Anakin would never take for granted, to be able to watch the other sleep peacefully.

Obi-Wan had admitted, flushed and a tad shamefully, that he slept better when Anakin came with him on missions. Having another person to run the other world things he saw to be able to confirm if it was real or not, bringing Obi-Wan peace in a way he couldn’t explain.

Anakin got it though.

He slept better when Obi-Wan was with him to, though for other reasons.

‘He looks peaceful… warm and peaceful, all three of his eyes closed.’ Anakin tilted his head before shifting slowly, moving around the fire as quietly as he could.

Once close enough to the others bedroll, he reached out and gently pushed Obi-Wan’s hair out of his face, grinning when all Obi-Wan did was breath out at the touch. He could have used his tentacles of course, they were long enough to reach, but using his hands for this…

Well, it felt nicer.

Unable to resist, Anakin played with the copper hair stroking his fingers into the others red mop. ‘He has a mullet…’ He noted with some amusement.

It didn’t look too bad on Obi-Wan honestly but still, a mullet was…

Well, mullets were kind of… odd.

It wasn’t really all that flattering on Obi-Wan if Anakin was honest and there were many styles the other could pull off a lot better than this, ‘business in the front, party in the back’ situation he seemed to go with.

It was okay for a knight in their experimental days but Obi-Wan was a master, a young one for sure but still a master. Some layer of dignity was required, though Obi-Wan managed to hold onto it.

But that was everything BUT the mullet honestly.

‘I wonder how he’d look with long hair. Maybe braided?’ He paused, staring at his master, going a tad glassy eyed as he let his imagination take him away.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Anakin almost jumped out of his skin when a warm, callused hand wrapped around his wrist. He almost punched out of sheer habit but was grateful he held it in as he looked down into Obi-Wan’s sleepy eyes.

The other was somewhat awake, his hand wrapped around Anakin’s wrist. “Ah, master…” He stammered.

Obi-Wan just gave a soft, sleepy smile and tugged lightly on the blond’s wrist. “Come on… no need for a watch. Sleep.” He whispered, raising his blankets invitingly.

How could Anakin resist such an invitation?

Summoning his own bedding, Anakin slipped himself in under Obi-Wan’s blanket, pressing himself to the other’s warm chest. It felt so nice.

Obi-Wan’s warm arm came down around him with the blanket, the fire heating his back. He could hear Obi-Wan’s steady heartbeat at the same time, a beautiful music.

Mixed with the insects and the crackling of fire…

Anakin felt himself relax, wrapping his tentacles around his Obi-Wan. “Warm…”

“Mmmn… you are.” Obi-Wan sighed happily in sleepy agreement, his face pressed to Anakin’s growing curls. Warm and happy against Anakin’s own frame.

This was even more beautiful, though Anakin mourned not being able to watch Obi-Wan’s face as he slept peacefully, not a vision in sight and not a nightmare to be found.

‘Sleep my master… you deserve it,’ Anakin pulled the other in closer, holding him tightly. ‘You deserve all the rest and warmth in the world.’

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