Authorsight. Oh no!! Moddy got hurt! I hope she gets better. And I hope Anakin gets his answers, especially since hes now going to have about 50 more.

Adjusting her oxygen mask after eating, Moddy settled back in the bed and looked at Anakin with her off colored eyes, thoughtful and quiet as the padawan squirmed. “…You got questions kiddo?” She tilted her head.

She clearly knew why he had come, though Anakin had insisted she’d eat before he’d badger her. Food was important and the healer said that she had to have food with her medication after all.

Tugging lightly at the hem of his tunic, Anakin licked at his lips. “Sort of… I mean, your powers… where is mom?” He quietly asked.

Moddy hummed then her off colored, blind eye flashed with light.

Just for a second.

But enough that she grunted and enough for the Force to flash, breathing slightly heavier.

Force, what kind of mission had she gone through?

Or was it her chronic disabilities that Obi-Wan had hinted at. Knight Moddy supposedly had a few, both physical and mental ones.

She reached up and rubbed at her eye, breathing out heavily. “Currently on a ship to Naboo apparently, completely safe. She’s working for the captain for the trip to it. Something about child care?” She squinted at Anakin with her good eye.

Fiddling even more with the hem at that, Anakin shrugged a tad awkwardly, suddenly aware of how long ago it was that he saw his mother last. “She… she’s always been good with kids.”

Was she still?

Did Anakin know his mother still?

He still loved her, that much he knew but did he know her?

‘…I’ve forgotten how she smelled… the sound of her voice…’ A part of him told himself that he’d know the sound of her voice and her face the moment he saw it. But a smaller part, quiet and almost cynic, pointed out the years of distance.

Would Anakin really recognize his own mother?

“…Just because you’re not at her side, doesn’t mean you love her less or she loves you less.” Knight Moddy’s voice broke through his thoughts and Anakin’s head jerked up, the boy realizing his chin had been dipping.

He stared at her, eyes wide.

“You’re projecting,” She stated calmly, shifting carefully on the bed and then grunting in pain. “I still love my parents, despite them giving me over to the Jedi… no, that’s not quite right, I love them because they gave me over, is more like.” She stated a tad thoughtfully, breathing out into the mask.

“…How… how does that work?” Anakin swallowed thickly, frowning at the knight.

What did a Jedi, given over in young age, know about loving parents anyhow?

But considering all the help she had given him, Anakin didn’t call her out on that, simply waited.

Moddy stared at him for a long few moments, her look almost pitying but not quite. Anakin knew what pity was and it wasn’t what Moddy was looking at him with. “…My home planet is nice, beautiful even. But its also very diverse, the humans there…” She looked away, staring at a tiny crack in the wall. “…Some places, worship Force sensitive… but other places would burn them at the stake, be they young or old,” She glanced back at him. “My planet is a bit of both actually. My parents knew there was no way to hide my abilities, even before training, then there were the occasional slavers or bounty hunters… Force sensitive sell for a high amount you know.” She smiled a tad wryly.

Anakin knew the latter of course, it was one of the reason his mother made sure he kept his skills quiet. Made him swear not to do ‘special’ things in front of anyone.

If Watto had seen it… or worse, Gardulla, then Anakin might not have stayed with his mother for as long as he did. So that part he did understand, but the former…

He stared at the other Jedi in no small amount of horror. The idea of family burning you for being able to touch the Force a terrifying thought.

Moddy smiled sadly. “My grandfather on my dad’s side was one of them… had he seen what I could do, learned I was Force sensitive…” She shook her head. “There were Force societies on Norgferar but he was my grandfather, if he had asked to see me…” Moddy rested her hands over her stomach. “…So yes, I love them, for giving me up, for prioritizing my life instead of their own happiness, for being selfless enough to see that my life continued at the cost of their happiness.” She explained quietly, purple and blond hair falling a bit into her face.

As Anakin let that thought echo a bit, Moddy brushed it out of her face.

“Seid, or ‘magic’ users, have always been controversial on my planet. Some places loved them, others hated them,” She continued. “It didn’t change when science arose and explained what the Force was, that it was not quite magic. It just transferred.” The knight shrugged.

Anakin swallowed thickly. “…Your ability, how does it work?” He whispered, his heart heavy. He would have a lot of things to think about come nightfall and talk with Obi-Wan about.

Humming slightly, head tilted, Moddy tapped at the mask covering her nose and mouth. “Well, think of it like this. I open a book, and it has the life of a person inside it. But the book is inside of my mind,” She tapped under her blind, scarred eye. “And only I can see it. While I see it, I can change the things I see of the future and the present, but those changes can have a ripple effect.” She yawned a tad.

‘I bet wrap this up, she’s getting tired.’ Anakin licked his lips thoughtfully. “A ripple effect?” He questioned.

Sliding a tad down in the bed but not lowering the back, Moddy nodded. “Imagine it as a big ring of dominoes, all lined up. However, they aren’t lined evenly, so when you push one over, it doesn’t take the entire ring down. A ripple effect, where one change, the piece you tip, changes what dominoes fall.” She explained, quite clearly struggling to hold her eyes open.

‘Yikes, her medications must be real hard on her systems.’ Anakin shifted to his feet and bowed at the waist to indicate his respect to the woman. “Thank you for your help Knight Moddy.” He stated formally.

Clearly she realized the respect, because she gave him a surprised look before smiling. “…If you need any more answers, you know where to find me. I’ll likely be released in a few days time.” Moddy murmured softly.

Anakin nodded, smiling in return before slipping out. ‘…I should get her some flowers… or chocolate. As a thank you gift.’ He noted before making his way out.

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