Is there anything new in #dangerous Galaxy. Hopefully the Troopers are just about ready to take out the rest of the Senate. Thank you for writing.

Pouring a full glass of whiskey, getting the actual good shit for once, Cody let out a deep breath as he stared out of the barracks office window. Honestly, this office had never felt safe to him with its giant window, felt too much like someone could snipe him in the back, just like the Chancellor’s blasted office but… just for tonight, he felt he deserved it.

Just like he deserved the good whiskey.

It had been a gift from Obi-Wan, a full two years ago now and Cody had extremely slowly been savoring it.

The bottle was almost empty.

Just one more glass left in it and Cody reverently placed it on the desk, staring at the amber liquid before picking up his glass and stepping towards the window, taking a slow sip of the burning liquid as he stared at the Rotunda.

Tomorrow was the day.

Tomorrow it was make or break it for the GAR and the Jedi order.

Cody knew that should the vode fail, the ramifications of it would hit the Jedi too, as they were suppose to be in ‘control’ of the army.

Every trooper involved would be put down, executed, the ranks refilled by other clones.

Cody’s hand tightened on the glass and then he sighed deeply. No, he couldn’t think that way, they had to win, there was no other option, not with what was on the line.

Between the vode that would brought in to replace those that were ‘decommissioned’, to the Jedi that would suffer censure and regulations, likely more abuse, after the ones protecting them now were gone.

A shudder when down Cody’s spine at that.

Fox had come by, grabbing the strongest of the moonshine they had, the type that could strip paint of ships and just… chugged it.

Apparently several natborns, among those Tarkin and several Senators hadn’t kept their hands of off the vode either. Several Guards had finally stepped forward, coming to Fox to tell him what had happened and what they had been hiding.

The ball was rolling in that direction now.

More vode would step forward in the next weeks to months, of that Cody was sure.

Once they started to feel safe, secure that there would be no consequences for talking, for getting help.

‘The white hat slicers should have set up by now,’ Cody savored another sip. ‘Full comm’s knockout, a blackout over the whole of Coruscant except for the vode taking care of the traffic.’ Cody glanced up at the skyline. If ships weren’t being directed, people would start being suspicious up there, so Cody had ensured that several comm ready vode, Hot Lips and Radiohead among them, would be stationed in the traffic centers.

It would keep the ships at bay, floating up there, various excuses prepared so they wouldn’t be suspicious until it was to late. To late for the Senators to send an emergency message out, too late to stop the vode.

To late to stop the coup.

Though Cody had considered contacting Dooku at this point, strange as that was. He had disregarded that idea as soon as it came, just because the other was killing CIS Senators that had once been Republic, didn’t mean he was on their side.

His comm crackled and Cody let out a low noise of surprise, hand clenching on the glass as dread echoed through him. Had there been an incident?

Quickly, Cody pulled it from his belt and answered, setting his glass down on the desk. “Commander Cody here.” He murmured.

“Vod-Commander, its Wooley, you have a guest,” Cody paused at that, blinking. “Its General Kenobi, should I send him to you or would you like to come down for him.” Wooley questioned, and by the way he had corrected himself, Obi-Wan must be right there in front of him.

“I’m in the command office. General can come right up as he wants.” Cody assured the other, letting Wooley know that anything incriminating was hidden away.

“Right away sir.” Wooley chirped almost cheerfully.

It didn’t take long for the door to open, a robed Obi-Wan slipping into the office, glancing about the room curiously. Cody had dimmed the lights slightly, knowing it be easier on the Jedi eyes and had fetched another glass.

Before Obi-Wan said anything, Cody held up the bottle as he took note of the soft swish of the others robe on the office floor. “Interested General?” He smiled at him, putting on ice his need to ask for the others health.

He already knew that Obi-Wan would not answer him, not now, maybe not for a weeks.

So instead he offered a drink.

Lips quirked at that and Obi-Wan nodded slowly. “That does sound quite pleasant.” The Jedi agreed softly, slowly walking over to stand at Cody’s side, accepting the now filled glass.

Seeing as it had been a gift from Obi-Wan, it felt quite fitting for him to get the last glass and drink it with the Commander.

“Any special occasion Commander?” Obi-Wan asked, watching Cody pick up his own drink.

Pausing a tad at the question, Cody eyed the Jedi.

They both knew that the other was aware of what was going to happen, even if Obi-Wan didn’t have the timeline. But both were ignoring what the other knew, plausible deniability, closing their eyes so things could happen.

Vod’alor Cody was going to keep it that way until the end, until the solution was presented and both the vode and the Jedi were safe from Senators greedy, torturous hands. So he shrugged and gave the other a smile. “No, just… hoping for a new day.” He stated easily.

Obi-Wan tilted his head, the neon lights of Coruscant spreading shadows on his face. It was easy to see the dark bags beneath his eyes at that moment, see the start of crowfeet. But also the small flash of hope in the others eyes.

“A new day…” Obi-Wan glanced out, looking to the Rotunda.

Cody watched him in turn before lifting his drink, smiling when Obi-Wan looked back to him at the move. “K’oyacyi.” He murmured in a steady voice, trying to grow the hope he had glimpsed in green eyes.

A surprised huff escaped Obi-Wan at that, eyes flickering quickly back to the Rotunda and then settling firmly on Cody once more. “K’oyacyi… Vod’alor.” Obi-Wan clicked their glasses together, his smile turning a tad shy in the face of Cody’s surprise.

Unable to find more words, Cody simply stepped in closer and reached out, carefully tucking his hand around the back of Obi-Wan’s head and pulling him down into a light forehead tap, Obi-Wan following willingly, even closing his eyes.

“K’oyacyi Cody…” The Jedi whispered, voice a tad more desperate, Cody lightly scratching at the others scalp with his nails in silent reassurance as they held onto their glasses.

K’oyacyi = 1. *Cheers!* 2. Can also mean: *Hang in there* or 3. *Come back safely.* Literally, a command; *Stay alive!*

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