In shut me down did plo still find Ashoka and has she befriend obi as well??

Humming quietly as he continued carving the wood slowly, Obi-Wan pretended not to notice the blue eyes watching him from the flower bush from the left.

They had been watching him for a while and initially, Obi-Wan had been uncertain how to deal with it, seeing as he was all alone but…

Well, after he figured out the who, he wasn’t so concerned.

After all, younglings of all races were merely curious and the Jedi Initiates were no different than those outside of the temple. Which was why Obi-Wan simply continued carving, working away on the canine taking shape.

He was actually rather impressed that she was keeping quiet still. At her age, Obi-Wan would have moved long ago but she was keeping still and quiet, simply observing him, not even moving her head or hands as far as Obi-Wan could tell.

She certainly made no sound and if it wasn’t for her lack at muffling her own Force aura, then he likely wouldn’t have noticed her at all.

Blowing on the carving to send the wood shavings away and into his lap instead, Obi-Wan eyed the figure taking shape before turning his head to glance at the bush, lips twitching as there was a little shift of leaves and flowers.

Likely he had surprised her by looking at the bush. “I don’t bite, you’re more than welcome to join me if you want.” Obi-Wan offered softly, patting the teal colored grass beside him even as he made sure to hold the carving knife securely. Yan would not be happy if Obi-Wan cut himself again by being thoughtless.

There was another shift in the bushes, some abashment joining the Force aura of the little one and then she came out, blinking at him with large blue eyes peering uncertainly at him as she patted out her Initiate shift.

A young togruta with white markings on her face, seemingly around the age of eight to ten if Obi-Wan was guessing correctly, her lekkus white and blue with a deep orange skin. If Obi-Wan was to take a guess, that meant her parents would have been from Shili and inland togrutas most likely, as the orange skin had developed to hide them in the orange grass fields of the inlands.

“Hello there little one.” He smiled gently at the togruta, wiggling his foot as he rested his carving in his lap, trying to come of as none-threatening as possible.

So far, she was the first one of the younglings to come this close to him and later on approach him when she was called out. Obi-Wan found himself curious why so many of them spied on him from time to time, everywhere from the commissary, the gardens, the meditations rooms, sparring halls and so on.

It had been a tad overwhelming, especially in the start when Obi-Wan was learning to deal with so many Force sensitive in one place once more.

Now seemed as good as any moment to maybe figure it out and sate the curiosity.

She bit her lips, showing small fangs and then she slowly made her way over. “Hello. Barris says you were a Jedi.” She stated shyly, pausing about a hand away from him.

Obi-Wan cocked his head, fingers of the hand holding the carving tapping at the wood. “I was, yes. Me and my grandmaster left many years ago but we’re back at the temple for protection.” He confirmed. ‘So that’s why they were curious…’ Obi-Wan thought with some amusement.

The rumors about them must have been spreading like fire in dry grass.

That seemed to be the right thing to say as she instantly perked up and seemed to relax at the same time, the young togruta sitting down with her lekkus twitching with excitement. “So its true that the other man you’re with left too? And that he was a master?” She gasped.

Laughing faintly, Obi-Wan nodded, going back to working on the akul carving. “Yes. His name is Yan Dooku, there’s a statue of him in the Archive among the Lost. I was just a knight,” He glanced at her once more. “I’m Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He introduced.

If he had thought her eyes had been big hearing about Yan, then it was nothing when she heard his name, blue eyes going so large that they almost eclipsed the white of her eyes. “You’re the Sith Slayer.” She gasped.

Obi-Wan winced, but she didn’t seem to notice and he forced himself to keep smiling. “That’s me. Now, how about you, who are you?” He questioned.

Pushing her chest out proudly, her lekkus practically dancing in their excitement, the youngling beamed with all her teeth on display, showing how she had been raised among humans as it bared her fangs as if a threat display. “I’m Ahsoka Tano!” She announced proudly. “I’m eight!” She held up both her hands, displaying eight fingers.

“Well meet, Ahsoka Tano.” Obi-Wan greeted, lips twitching into a genuine smile once more as he found himself meaning the greeting. ‘Well meet indeed youngling.’ He thought as she continued beaming at him.

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