If you find the time for it… I am dying to know what happens next in Sightlessbird!

Sitting back in his chair, Fox let out a deep sigh as he rubbed at his face with his hands.

He had finally managed to find a gas to use on the Chancellor, dorin rimu gas. Completely harmless to Kel Dor’s but to humans, lethal if inhaled for a prolonged time, just like dorin gas itself. The difference was that while dorin gas was completely natural and formed on its own on dorin, dorin rimu needed to be developed from a certain rock being broken down.

Fox had already arranged for the rocks to be brought to the barracks, under the guise as ‘décor, as they were rather pretty, colorful rocks.

He would have to involve a few brothers for that process, though, not tell them what the gas was for.

Maybe he’d lie, tell them it was for one of the Jedi.

Dorin rimu was often used as a painkiller for them, sort of like laughing gas apparently, from what Fox research informed him. Colorless, odorless and lethal to humans.

It was perfect.

Fox would have to ensure the man breathed in while alone in his office or while only brothers with helmets were in there.

Or meeting with Kel Dor’s.

For them, it would be safe if perhaps a tad frustrating or humiliating if they got high.

‘But its a sacrifice I’m willing to make.’ Fox smirked a tad into his hands before dropping his hands, eyes falling to the framed photo on his desk, one of the few decorations he kept, even going so far as to physically have a copy of this day printed.

It was of Obi-Wan, him and Obi-Wan, well over a year ago.

The kid was on Fox back, the commander holding tightly onto his legs as Obi-Wan held onto Fox shoulder pauldrons, laughter visible on his face and a smile on Fox face.

Fox remembered that day, Obi-Wan had come to visit him and the other guards, bringing them homemade fudge from the temple that he had asked one of the master’s to help him make. They had to share of course, Obi-Wan couldn’t bring a ton or make a ton with only one master’s help but there had been enough for a portion for each.

After eating it, Fox stashing most of his in his drawer in his office, the commander had taken Obi-Wan down to the shooting range, quietly continuing the blaster lessons the two had started weeks ago.

It was the first time Obi-Wan had hit the bullseye of the target.

Fox had been so proud, a tad overwhelmed.

Here was this blind Jedi, this slip of a boy, with wide, excited eyes and steady hands, holding a blaster and after weeks of instructions, of gently guiding Obi-Wan’s hands and telling him how to care for the blaster afterward… Obi-Wan had done it.

Obi-Wan had hit the target on his own and fully hit the bullseye.

All on his own.

Of course, afterward there was more hits, Obi-Wan hitting the bullseye every time he shot, but that first day..

Fox couldn’t help himself, lifting his vod’ika of his feet and up into the air, twirling a laughing Obi-Wan around before piggybacking him around the guard building to inform everyone.

Thorn had snapped a picture of them while Fox had been boasting of Obi-Wan.

‘We looked so happy… Obi-Wan was so happy, pleased and joyful…’ Fox picked up the silver frame, gently running his thumb over his little brother’s face. ‘…I’ll get rid of this threat against you, Obi-Wan, there is a war but I’ll make sure you’re safe on Coruscant at the very least. Just stay away for the rest of the month, then you’ll be safe little one, so promises your ori’vod.’ Fox pressed a kiss to the picture.

Then he sat it down and got up, picking his helmet up and pulling it on.

It was time to go back to work.

Time to be ‘just’ another clone trooper in the eyes of many but the reminder of his brothers around him, of Obi-Wan’s hand in his, the respectful greeting of Jedi… it kept him going as he stepped out into the hallway to make his way to the Senate.

Just another day in the life of Commander Fox, dealing with people that didn’t deserve his respect.

It was a good thing he had gotten real skilled at hiding that.

Acting, what an undervalued skill for a vod.

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