Dangerousgalaxy is Obi-Wan okay?

Tucking the blanket around himself as he stuck his feet into his slippers, Obi-Wan glanced around his room before carefully getting up. The last few days had not been the best and while unfortunate an unfamiliar it was still uncomfortable to learn that he had contracted chlamydia from the latest stint at the Senate.

‘Thankfully it takes me off the list for a good two week as I recover and take my antibiotic.’ Obi-Wan mused tiredly and a tad guilty as he padded out into the living room, smiling slightly as he took note of Anakin making breakfast while quietly chatting with Ahsoka. “Good morning.” He called out.

Both jumped a tad before smiling in return, though Anakin flickered his eyes searchingly over Obi-Wan for a moment. “Good morning master, how are you feeling?” He questioned, flipping on the water boiler since he was right beside it.

Sitting slowly down at the kitchen table, reaching out to rub Ahsoka’s monterals affectionately, Obi-Wan let out a small hum. “Tad achy.” He confessed quietly. He had long ago learned that lying bold faced to Anakin was a bad idea when it came to any STD’s he picked up.

It generally came back to bite him as Anakin always figured it out.

Anakin frowned but nodded with understanding. “Lets eat and then you can take your medication.” He murmured, turning to turning the flatcakes he was making.

Smiling wryly, Obi-Wan nodded, despite not Anakin looking at him anymore and gave Ahsoka another head rub. Then he got up and moved to make his tea, holding the blanket closed around him to keep warm.

Antibiotic always had a tendency to leave him feeling cold, something about his particular biology the healers said.

As he prepared his tea pot and strainer then poured the water in, Obi-Wan couldn’t help but wonder what Cody was doing.

Every Jedi knew that something was up, the troopers, subtle as most of them were or at least the high ranking ones, had tells that their Jedi could tell.

Everyone, from Mace Windu, to Aayla Secura, could report that something was going on and there were a few common themes. One was that they were all reporting to Cody, two was that it involved the Jedi order and three… the Senate.

The GAR was doing something about the Senate.

Normally, the Jedi would have taken care of that, a threat to democracy and to justice but…

These were their troopers and it was the Senate.

The Senate that regularly abused them, flaunted rules that normally would have gotten them jailed but that they got away with because it was the Jedi order they were doing it towards. Had they been anyone else…

The public outrage would have been tremendous.

But all the Senate really would have to do was to flaunt the old law and go ‘well, they are in servitude to the Republic, how can we not use their services when they’re there.’

Or well, that was what many Jedi feared would happen.

If they spoke up about the treatment happening on Coruscant by Senators… would the rest of the galaxy and even the very people on Coruscant simply… not care.

Just brush it away as so many injustices that happened.

After all, the Jedi weren’t that special.

The people might just decide that as long as they couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter to them and simply keep it to malicious gossip. It was one of the worries of the Order.

Some places didn’t give them even a mediocre of respect, which made negotiations difficult but if they lost even that small silver provided by being ‘warriors’ instead of a monastic order…

“…Obi-Wan, your tea,” A soft voice interrupted his flow of thought, Obi-Wan jerking a bit too, blinking at Anakin as the other peered back at him. “Its been two and a half minute.” The blond clarified carefully, giving him a small smile.

“Oh, thank you Anakin, I was lost in thought.” Obi-Wan smiled back, lifting the strainer out of the pot and putting the lid on.

Giving him a knowing look, Anakin didn’t say anything and simply placed a bowl of bacon down closest to Ahsoka, the flatcakes placed in the middle of the table. Instantly, with a happy noise, the togruta dug into the food, wiggling eagerly.

It made bot holder Jedi smile.

At the very least Ahsoka had a good appetite and they’d best feed her as much as they could while on planet.

Setting his pot down on the table, Obi-Wan collected a banana to slice onto his flatcake, knowing he needed the nutrients.

Bacon was too greasy for him anyhow, he wasn’t a savory and sweet kind, enjoyed them separated if he was honest but at least Anakin looked to be having fun as he added jam and bacon to his own and Ahsoka…

Oh dear, maybe they should have her visit the medics.

Obi-Wan felt his brows rise as she piled a steady amount of bacon higher and higher on her flatcake before folding and wrapping it, grinning almost evilly before taking a big bite out of it, giving both Anakin and Obi-Wan a wide eyed, but happy look over it.

Snorting, Obi-Wan poured himself a cup of his tea, chuckling as Anakin crooned about not being the only one with bad eating habits and Ahsoka trying to kick him under the table.

A small smile curled Obi-Wan’s lips as he watched them. ‘…It would be nice if… every morning could be like this…’ Obi-Wan thought wistfully, bringing his cup to his lips. ‘It would be nice if… if we were safe…’ He glanced to the window of the kitchen, the Rotunda large and ominous in the distance.

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