Oh, the kyber little shots one, maybe learn about when Obi-Wan’s freckles started to glow? Because we know they didn’t glow as a child, so I’m really curious.

His padawan is a special child.

Qui-Gon is one of the few people in the temple that is aware just how special Obi-Wan truly is and he will do anything in his power to ensure that no one outside those already aware learn just how unique he is.

Of course, teaching a teenager emotional control wasn’t exactly the easiest, their brains swimming in hormones and impulses but Obi-Wan did his best. Qui-Gon was actually rather proud of how put together his padawan was, he was after all just turning sixteen this year.

For those instances where he couldn’t keep his tears at bay, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan both carried special pouches to store the kyber tears, to hide them from view both visually and in the Force. Accidents happened and Qui-Gon wasn’t about to scold his boy when tears were natural.

Of course, just because he thinks he’s prepared for everything he thinks a Star Child’s biology will throw at him…

Well, a wrench is thrown into all of Qui-Gon’s planning one morning.

It starts out as normal, that’s what’s so mystifying, no warning at all for what is to come.

Its an utterly normal, slightly gray morning, rain falling on Coruscant as Qui-Gon quietly enjoys a cup of tea while waiting for his padawan to wake, letting the boy sleep in a bit.

Its the weekend, so no lessons have been scheduled and Qui-Gon has already decided that Obi-Wan can get the day of, so he has no need to get his padawan out of bed in a hurry and send him of with breakfast and some morning meditation today.

He needs some decompression time, to explore his own interests and maybe see his friends if he wishes.

With his grades, Obi-Wan more than deserved the time off and Qui-Gon has no complaints about the boy’s meditation and saber practice. He’s well within the acceptable range of a normal padawan at his age.

Which is why he gets his own shock when Obi-Wan’s emotions suddenly spills across their bond in a mix of fear and shock, Qui-Gon rising quickly with his cup still in his hand, hot liquid spilling over his hand as a loud squeak suddenly comes from the others bedroom.

Hissing, he quickly set it down on the table, wondering what had woken his padawan so sharply, Qui-Gon’s own heart in his throat as he makes his way towards Obi-Wan’s bedroom quickly.

Before he could reach it though, Obi-Wan’s door slips open, his wide eyed padawan standing with his hanging over his shoulder and his clothes rumpled from sleep.

Not that Qui-Gon notices that.

No, he’s too busy staring at Obi-Wan, his mouth hanging open unattractively as he stares at a collection of stars across Obi-Wan’s face along with the others eyes glowing ever so faintly.

The latter he might not have noticed if he wasn’t so used to Obi-Wan, but he is very familiar with the his padawan’s eyes and he sees the new glow they now carry.

But his face is what has Qui-Gon’s attention most firmly and it takes him a full minute before he recognizes that the ‘stars’ are freckles.

Obi-Wan’s freckles have turned into a pathway of glowing lights, dotting his face. “Oh Force, Obi-Wan, what…” He rasped, stepping closer to cup the others face.

“I don’t know master, I woke up and… they’re on my hands too.” Obi-Wan held his hands up, distressed and shaking, eyes watering slightly with his emotions as his lips quivering with emotions.

Rubbing at one of the freckles on the boy’s cheek with his thumb, Qui-Gon bit his bottom lip. If he was to take a guess, he’d imagine all of Obi-Wan’s freckles had now turned into an array of stars.

He had no doubt that this was related to the others biology, to being a star child. “…We’re going to the healers, go fetch your robe with the large hood. If we go quickly, most of the temple will be asleep still,” He stated slowly. “Quickly now, I’ll comm Vokara Che and have her ready.” Qui-Gon murmured soothingly, trying to ease the others fear.

There were only a few healers allowed to treat Obi-Wan, due to his unique nature and Qui-Gon would admit, he preferred Vokara Che, the younger woman was a stern but good healer.

Stroking the others cheeks with his thumbs to comfort, Qui-Gon gently squeezed to get the others attention. “We’ll deal with this Obi-Wan, trust me.” He murmured a tad sternly.

Thankfully, those words had the intended effect, he could feel Obi-Wan slump slightly into his grasp, nodding. “I do master. I do.” He sniffled slightly, reaching out and hugging his master around the middle.

Breathing out, Qui-Gon ran his hand over the soft bristle of Obi-Wan’s hair.

He wasn’t sure he could help but hopefully, the healers would have an idea. ‘Thank the Force he still trusts me…’ Qui-Gon hugged the boy tightly to him for a few seconds before pushing him back and into his room, summoning his own comms to call, worry and resignation weighing heavily on him.

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