The initation of a prank war, Anakin started it but Obi-Wan brings out the big guns.

Admittedly, Obi-Wan had gotten the idea from a holonet video.

Holotube actually.

Now, normally he’d never, ever consider doing what he was about to do.

However, Anakin had started this little prank war by sharing Obi-Wan’s drunk singing and sobbing after Quinlan had convinced the redhead to come out drinking, Obi-Wan sporting only his shorts for some reason he could no longer remember.

Or well, that was the official story that Anakin got to hear, Obi-Wan might have indulged in a tiny bit of weed too but shhh, that was not for Anakin to know.

So when Cody, a tad uncomfortable and rubbing the back of his neck, told Obi-Wan that sex ed wasn’t so prevalent taught on Kamino by the longnecks and had quietly requested that Obi-Wan give a basic lesson for both the 212th and the 501st, particularly for the older generations since the youngers were being taught by more concerned members…

Well, Obi-Wan had seen an opportunity and he had taken it.

Of course, hearing about the sex ed, Anakin had come slinking like a great hound, anticipating some humiliation on his old master and Ahsoka had tagged along, pretending like she was just bored.

Obi-Wan could tell she was curious though, his heart went out to her.

She missed a lot of lessons due to the war, being out of the temple. They tried to not let her miss too much but some things took priority and a sex ed lesson might have been pushed back.

Thankfully, this wasn’t the first time Obi-Wan had run sex ed lessons, despite what Anakin seemed to think, therefore he wasn’t getting the hilarity he had hoped.

Clapping his hands together, Obi-Wan gave all of them a benign smile. “Now, we’ve gone over male and female intercourse, male on male, female on female, lube and protections,” He chuckled softly as there were a few scattered, nervous laughs. “There is one more thing though, the STD’s.”

Obi-Wan picked up his little controller, gesturing to the board behind him and he noticed a bored Anakin leaning back against the wall, a good view of everything with Ahsoka beside him and troopers lining the chairs and tables in front of him.


Clicking the button, Obi-Wan fought not to cackle as Anakin choked on his own spit in shock.

Because on the diagram display was a well drawn image of Anakin, a tad cartoony of course as Obi-Wan had literally given Anakin what looked like a clown nose for glands on his cock. “Now, if you will direct your attention here,” He gestured to around the groin area of the image, ignoring how there were a loud choking noise from the back and choked coughs and laughs. “These are genitalia warts-” He didn’t get any further when Anakin seemed to collect himself.

“OBI-WAN!” He roared in outrage, making his way forward.

“Anakin, I’m having a lesson here!” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but smirk at him, as Anakin closed in on him. “I mean, its not like its a video of you singing a bawdy song and then sobbing about why snakes lack legs.” He drawled, watching Anakin freeze between Killer and Longshot.

The blue eyed blond stared at him in shock. “I-Is this revenge!?” He squeaked.

“Now, now Anakin, a Jedi does not seek revenge,” Obi-Wan smirk grew. “And I am after all the poster boy of Jedi as you like to say… now, as you all can see, this is genitalia worts, they can be very uncomfortable but are a curable STD to contract.” He continued.

From his peripherals, he noted Anakin slinking back to a giggling Ahsoka, his grandpadawan covering her mouth with her lekkus twitching heavily.

Around the room, the troopers were still struggling not to laugh, just as when Anakin shared the image of an almost undressed, siging and crying Obi-Wan.

Ah, vindication was sweet… but he also expected Anakin to retaliate and soon by the look in the others eyes.

Still, totally worth it.

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