omg you tore my heart out with Dangerous Galaxy but I cannot wait for the vod’e’s vengence. The Senate–the Republic in general–will have no idea how to handle it. No one serves ruthless violent loving protection like a Mandalorian. And the Jedi have the largest collection of Mandalorians in the galaxy. Yep. The Senate is going to bitterly regret all their choices when the Vod’alor is done with them.

In the short time frame they had, there weren’t a lot of things they could do about the biochips inside their heads.

They couldn’t bring every single vode in for surgery, it would be too obvious and time consuming and not every vode might react well to said surgery. The idea of harming their own…

Well, the troopers didn’t want that.

So, the medics ended up brainstorming, having less than three weeks to not only figure out what to do but also deactivate the chips.

Not that they were sure what was on the chips yet but their Vod’alor’s suspicion was a valid one, one that many troopers were starting to believe when presented with the circumstantial evidence they had.

It took a full week before someone finally had a viable solution and in that time frame, two more Senators had been killed and one Jedi had been left in a severe condition.

Much to the rage of said Jedi trooper’s.

They were going to calcify the tissue of the biochip and kill it, leaving the biochip inert and unable to exert any influence on the troopers.

How you might ask?

Nanobots, injected with a programmed purpose to seek out the biochip along with an additional calcium.

This would take care of the biochip.

Honestly, even without the suspicion of what was on the biochip, they might have needed to do this at some point. Biochips were made to control and the troopers refused to be leashed to whoever held the other end of the order.

The knowledge of said biochips made some troopers bitter, but they were used to being bitter about their upbringing, about the longnecks and the Republic’s double standard when it came to the GAR.

Settling onto the bed, Cody eyed Helix as the other filled in a hypospray with solution.

It looked so innocent, almost clear.

The CMO of the 212th had already tested the nanobot injection and calcifying on five other troopers, all of them needing a day of rest but coming out of it no worse for wear. Though Wooley had claimed he tasted blue for five hours, but that could have been a joke.

“Alright Vod’alor, I’m gonna ask you to lay down now,” Helix stepped over to him and Cody grunted but did as told. “The nanobots rushing up to your brain to get to work tends to leave one dizzy we’ve found.” The medic explained.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable out of his armor and the upper blacks, Cody simply nodded and watched as Helix cleaned his upper left arm.

And then the shot was set.

It was felt odd, like a constant pressure for five seconds along with a cold feeling and then it was gone. “…Huh, that wasn’t so bad.” Cody noted quietly, frowning down at his arm.

Helix smiled, setting the hypo aside and pulling off his gloves. “Its not, but like I said, the nanobots moving makes people dizzy, if you feel like you need to vomit, just do it, Boil, Longshot, Commander Fox and Sinker have all already done it.” He explained.

Cody snorted faintly but nodded, only to grunt as he wave of dizziness went through his system.

There was that sensation Helix promised.

Since a days rest was required, each legion and battalion was working slowly through their troopers so not to cause an uproar if a large amount of them were resting.

It was slow going but quicker than surgery would do and would be done before another week had passed.

Of course, there would be the troopers outside of Coruscant, though Alpha-17 had confirmed that on Kamino, they had interrupted the biochip insertion in new troopers and that every trooper on Kamino that had them were slowly being processed to calcify their biochips.

That was good, as long as the troopers kept control of the longnecks, no one would be the wiser and even if someone were to discover that something was up… it was too late by now.

Things were progressing quickly.

There was only one thing bothering Cody at this point, laying in bed in the barracks medbay C, other troopers lining the beds around him, though even the sound of snoring wasn’t what was bothering Cody at this moment.

Just one single thing was truly biting him…

He hadn’t seen Obi-Wan in over a week, not since he had escorted the Jedi back to the temple, his General still bruised and limping but better than when he had come to the barracks.

‘Is he eating? Sleeping? Did General Skywalker make sure he took care of everything? He would have needed to apply bacta for another two days…’ Cody’s dizzy mind whirled with his questions, questions he didn’t have answers to.

His compulsion to check on the other had been kept in check, Cody didn’t want the other to feel trapped or forced to answer. He knew that many Jedi were horrified that the GAR knew about the dark side of their service to the Republic and Cody didn’t want…

He didn’t want Obi-Wan to become uncomfortable with them.

With him.

The last thing Cody wanted was for Obi-Wan to start shying away from him.

It would break his heart for sure.

But when hurt, you didn’t think rationally and the Jedi had gone through decades of harm from people that made the very law they served.

Generations and some Jedi showed the visible proof of it through their behaviors. From Anakin Skywalker’s early war rages as he turned twenty, to Quinlan Vos promiscuous and even Luminara Unduli’s enforced serenity and seemingly cold demeanor.

Abuse and pain like the one the Jedi were going through left scars, even in people prepared for it, generations of hurting Jedi and Cody knew that when things were finally over, he’d have to go through the GAR with a fine toothed comb.

Already a few troopers had cautiously and fearfully come forward to their captains or commanders, admitting that the Jedi weren’t the only ones taken advantage of at times.

In all of this osik, there was only one good thing Cody had come to find.

The service corps of the Jedi were not in the same servitude as the Jedi order.

While part of the Jedi, someone on the council had managed to get it so the agricorps, the explorer corps and healers were not affected by the same orders, though it helped that most of those were not on Coruscant.

They were mostly out of reach for the Senators that might harm them.

Cody wasn’t sure which council member had the wisdom to manage to separate those from the same way the Order answered, he didn’t think it was Yoda as the old troll seemed so exhausted the one time Cody managed to speak to him about what was going on.

The old man had looked so worn out, thin in a way Cody couldn’t explain as he haltingly explained to Cody that it only happened a few fifty years after the Jedi order started serving the Senate. Cody hadn’t asked more, couldn’t stomach seeing how worn out the old Jedi looked.

After seeing generation after generation of the young he cared for being abused in such a way, wouldn’t anyone be exhausted?

‘Not long now… not long and we’ll put a stop to it, all of it.’ Cody reminded himself sternly, fighting a wave of nausea that he wasn’t sure was the nanobots or the reminder.

Regardless, he’d rather not vomit on another medics shoes.

Poor Kix boots.

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