
AU where Din is the Armorer’s foundling because I refuse to accept any alternatives now.

(Image I.D.: A series of sketches of Din and the Armorer. On the left in reds and browns, the Armorer stands with one hand on their hip and the other on the butt of an axe. The head of which rests by their boot. A very young Din Djarin (between six to eight years old) peeks out from behind the Armorer with both of his hands wrapped around their left wrist. He looks up at them in slight trepidation. To the right of this image is a messy series of panels. In the first panel, the Armorer negotiates with a Tusken Raider in the background while baby Din lets a Massif smell both of his hands. In the second panel, the Tusken Raiders converse among themselves while the Armorer turns and finally notices Din playing with the Massif. In the third panel is a crude drawing of the Armorer’s helmet jerking with alarm. They ask softly ’D-Din?’ In the last panel, the Armorer snatches baby Din into the air away from the Massif while the dog-creature smiles in confusion. End I.D.)

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