In Snow White purity does Obi Wan regret/feel guilty over what he did with Anakin?

Waking slowly, Obi-Wan shuffled closer to the warmth wrapped around him and hummed softly when he felt arms tighten around him.

He felt heavy and content and no intrusive thoughts wandered in to tell him to hasten.

His alarm had yet to ring, he had no big plans for the day an-

Wait… arms?

Forcing his eyes open, Obi-Wan blinked down at his chest, staring at the blond head resting on his head, being up close and personal with the awkward growth of hair coming out of a padawan cut with the signs of curls.


His lovely, thoughtful Anakin.

The memory of the night before echoed through his head and Obi-Wan felt himself flush as he reached slowly up and wrapped his arms around the younger Jedi, smiling shyly as Anakin grumbled and nuzzled more into his hair.

His thighs tingled at the memory, despite his slight humiliation at the memory of begging, of Anakin of all people tempering him.

But he also couldn’t help but adore the other even more after last night, Anakin’s quiet, strained voice in his ear, assuring and yet not going too fast, showing him another way to grant pleasure than for the other to penetrate him.

Anakin had been right.

He hadn’t been ready for that last night.

He would have regretted it come morning, even though it had been Anakin and he loved Anakin.

‘How is it that you take better care of me than I do of myself?’ Obi-Wan ran his fingers gently through the growing curls, skritching carefully at the others scalp. He got a deeply pleased sigh, the warm breath of Anakin’s lungs heating the soft silk of his own nightie.

His dearest Anakin, who seemed to love him with all his strangeness and depravity, Anakin with gentle eyes and caring hands.

‘I’m not sure what I did to deserve you but… I’m too selfish to give you up when you willingly want me.’ Obi-Wan pressed a kiss to the top of the other’s head and then slowly disentangled himself from the other man.

Anakin whined and clung to him but with a strategic pillow, Obi-Wan managed to leave the bed. The blond groaned and pressed his face into the pillow, nuzzling it heavily with a half mumble of Obi-Wan’s name.

‘How can he be so cute?’ Obi-Wan flushed, grabbing his bathrobe and heading for the kitchen, flushing at the feel of his thighs rubbing at each other, the sensation more sensitive than the day before due to the activities last night.

Anakin took care of Obi-Wan, so the least he could do, was return the favor.

‘Flatcakes and coffee, maybe I’ll even make that fancy foamy coffee he likes so much if he stays asleep long enough.

The thought perked him up, set a pet into Obi-Wan’s steps as he hurried to the kitchen.

The quicker he got to work, the more time he would have to spoil Anakin.

After all, they were boyfriends, the word still causing Obi-Wan to flush all over. But that meant that he was permitted to spoil Anakin as much as he could humanly manage and Anakin would tolerate.

Knowing Anakin, he would love every bit of attention and the thought had Obi-Wan smiling as he tied his apron on to avoid getting food spills on himself, flipping on the water heater so he could make tea and caff for the two.

Operation spoil the boyfriend was officially in the works.

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