Heyyyy Moddy my dear who ate the key from a keyboard. Can we have a bit of Din using the silks in his nest? Just a soft thing where he happily is making the nest but is a bit of a brat in not letting his alphas in.

Not unexpectedly but utterly enraging for his two alphas were the fact that the drugs he had been slipped had messed with Din’s heat and hormones, the omega slipping between normality and a faux heat from day to day without warning.

Din could be fine one minute and in the next he could bloom with a sweet smell, his body jittering as if too full of energy, though, thankfully in Din’s eyes, he had yet to leak slick in public.

He didn’t think he could handle the humiliation if it happened again while he was fully aware if he was honest, not that Paz or Boba blamed him.

Paz and Din had actually been lucky that it hadn’t happened while they were down at the markets, Din’s hormones having quelled themselves for those first few days after the drugs had run out.

But after the back pain had faded, the hormones had risen, sharp and furious, as if the delay had made Din’s body angry at itself.

Their medic, Russal, had of course checked on Din when the first faux heat happened.

What he had found had alarmed the usually so nervous omega and he had actually hunted down the trio of his own volitional, entering the private territory of two big alphas to tell them what was up, to warn them that Din’s normal heat had been effected by the drugs and that the damage could potentially be permanent.

They would have to wait the month out, for Din’s hormones to once more settle and go back into their natural schedule as there was nothing Russal could actually do for Din’s hormone production in that moment.

Only once Din’s body calmed down would Russal could tell if there was permanent damage due to the drug that had been intended for an alpha having been slipped to an omega, especially in as high a dose as Din had consumed.

With that knowledge in mind, the month slowly started sliding forward as Paz and Boba kept a close eye on their mate.

It was hell on Din, the omega often shifting from quite normal to horny, to snappish, to weepy in moments and he wanted his kit more than anything, the urge to go find Grogu strong.

His mates was an up and down situation, sometimes he clung to either alphas like one of those weird bears from Naboo with the gray fur.

Other times he’d snarl at the slightest of touch and one particularly bad day, he had lashed out and almost jabbed Paz with his vibroblade under the helmet.

He had instantly dropped to his knees after realizing what he’d almost done to one of his beloved alphas and started weeping, loud and heart wrenching as he went into a sudden omega drop, the sound of his sobs crackling through his vocoder.

The drop had sent both Boba and Paz alpha instincts into overdrive, their rage mixed with concern and need to protect and shield so strong their scent had sent everyone, even Fennec, out of the throne room in seconds.

After that, they decided that Din should remain in their quarters as much as he possible, especially in the morning so they could figure out if he was in one of the faux heats or not before he saw other people.

His heat schedule being out of sync along with his hormones fluctuating as they were meant that Din’s instincts were also effected.

Everyone of them.

Which meant that Boba and Paz could come back to Din rearranging their nest almost compulsively, often having been at it for hours from the look of it. It had gotten so bad in the beginning that Paz or Boba would ensure at least one of them ate with Din, even when he was upset and the last thing he actually wanted was an alpha around him.

Just to make sure he did eat, even if they had to sit out in the sitting room with Din in their nest.

Normally Din’s nesting behavior was adorable, Boba and Paz enjoying watching Din add and fluff material around but in his current state, it just reminded them that Din was not in a good state of mind and neglect himself.

It made both of them wish the karking noble was still alive, just so they could kill him slowly once more.

Still, watching Din tuck the silk blankets he and Paz had bought was nice, watching Din nuzzle down into it and rub his scent on them, enjoying the softness and comfort it brought their lanky mate.

Of course, it was even nicer when he made demanding noises, staring at either alphas until they entered the nest and added their own scent to said blankets.

With them being as new as they were, there wasn’t much scent on it yet after all.

It had simply smelled of textile and the detergent used to clean them.

Now they smelled of Din and his mates, smelled of warmth and mates and comfort and a slight scent of sourness as Din grew distressed from time to time.

It was a long month for all of them.

But finally, after the mother of all meltdowns, to the point Din had isolated himself in his nest for two days where Paz had almost pulled out his dreads in worry and Boba had ended up sleeping on the couch on the sitting room, the month mark finally hit and Din’s scent started to even out.

To the point where he was just mellow, curled up in bed on top of Paz chest while clinging to Boba’s hand, desperate to keep contact with both at the same time.

Boba had just left Fennec in charge for the day, pushing off several meetings, his mates coming before anything even as they informed Russal that they’d be by later in the night.

Seeing Din finally back in his own comfort zone, purring quietly under their touch as he scented either… well, it was doing both alphas a galaxy of good.

“Ni ceta…” Din whispered quietly.

Paz just dropped a kiss to the top of Din’s head and Boba ran his free hand up to the others cheek, rubbing the apple of it lightly. “There is nothing to forgive. You didn’t ask for your hormones to be affected.” He stated, perhaps a bit tiredly but smiling all the same.

Din made a low noise but didn’t deny it even if he clearly still felt repentant.

“You can make it up by making some of that no bake cake for us, if you really wanna say sorry.” Paz chuckled quietly, equally tired but happy.

That got a low snort out of Din, the omega nuzzling into his neck. “I swear, you think with your stomach.” He huffed fondly, both alphas chuckling.

“I won’t say no to that cake though.” Boba agreed, smiling at the amused noise and purr coming from their mate, pressing closer to Paz side.

He was determined to enjoy the quiet, for however long it would last.


Ni Ceta = Formal apology

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