any chance on an update in needfortouch? how’s din doing?

If Boba was asked, he’d wonder if Skywalker’s nose worked or if he was just heartless because he couldn’t understand how the Jedi had accepted the pup when Din came back smelling like that.

Like pain, grief and sour loss that seemed to be sending Dune into a tizzy as Din swayed towards the ramp and a waiting Boba.

It hadn’t escaped Boba that the Nite owl alpha at Kryze side was wearing her helmet and staying far back even as Kryze followed, the redhead’s face taunt even she tried to get the man to fight her there and then for the darksaber.

At least one of them had respect enough not to hassle Din right in that moment, even if her leader was trying to get a fight out of the man.

It made Boba’s lips pull into a snarl at the sight as he stepped down to grasp the taller man by the shoulder.

Boba didn’t put up with that shit and had pulled Din into the bowels of Slave 1, Dune and Kryze snarling at each other on the ramp with Shand quickly slipping up to the cockpit to get them ready to leave, recognizing that Boba would deal with the bounty hunter.

Boba focused on the broken omega, his hand resting on his shoulder as he pushed and pulled the man along slowly and steadily until he had Din in his quarters.

Din barely twitched at entering the alpha’s territory, one he had made clear to everyone to not enter.

But Din…

Boba couldn’t leave him just in the cargo hold in the makeshift beds right now, not with the grief practically wafting off him.

He could feel every instinct he had suppressed for years come roaring to life, telling him to protect and kill for the omega, telling him that his new packmate was in danger.

There was nothing he could do though, the danger was already past and done and now Din had to cope.

Which was why Boba carefully unlaced and undid the others armor, his concern rising when he didn’t even get a token protest, simply Din swaying on his feet.

“Easy…” He rumbled, setting Din’s helmet on his own armor stand for now, noting that it would need polishing as he set the darksaber on a weapon hook and the beskar spear to the wall.

Taking the helmet from the other man, he noted with even more concern that the back of it was slightly dented in, wondering what kind of force could do that kind of damage and quickly he grasped the other by the chin to look at his eyes.

It didn’t look like the other had a concussion, his pupils weren’t large or unfocused.

He simply looked… lost, standing in his kute in front of Boba, blinking down at him.

Boba still checked on the back of the others head, running his fingers through sweat stiff hair with gentle fingers. There was a tell tale sign of a bump back there but not much else thankfully, so, with his armor now on the stand, Boba guided Din to the bed and Boba’s den.

He carefully had the man settle down on the edge and then knelt, ignoring his aching knees as he did, undoing the others boots and pulling them off, grimacing internally as he noted the other wasn’t wearing socks and a quick check confirmed to him that Din had blisters on the heels of his feet. ‘Di’kut.’ He thought sadly, wondering if that was aimed at himself or at Din.

Not that he blamed the other too much, having lost everything on his ship outside of what he was wearing, a gear shift ball and a beskar spear.

“Why?” The soft, raspy voice made Boba look up, meeting those large, lost eyes.

Reaching up slowly, trying not to spook the other, Boba cupped Din’s cheek, watching how the others eyelids fluttered slightly at the touch. “…We could be pack,” Boba rumbled quietly, watching the others eyes focus on him again. “But regardless, right now, you’re hurting and I won’t leave you to hurt without doing something to sooth it, until you’re sound of mind.” He stated quietly.

Din simply stared at him before quietly hunching over and wrapping his arms around himself, shaking with silent tears.

Slowly, Boba encouraged the other down and into his den, let Din turn around towards the wall and curl up around one of the large pillows he had invested for his den.

Boba knew that the main bedroom of Slave 1 was a luxury for a ship and in that moment, he was grateful that he had invested in making a proper den in it as he let the omega cry, his potential packmate seeking comfort and safety of Boba’s nest.

He felt the ship vibrate, Fennec finally getting them out and away from the cruiser but didn’t move, remained kneeling by the bed as he instead settled his hand on Din’s head, stroking the man’s temple with his thumb. “That’s it… just let it out… just let it out.” Boba whispered quietly, sitting with the other as Din let himself cry for all the losses he had.

Di’kut =idiot

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