(I accidentally deleted the prompt)

aniseandspearmint asked:

Oh! I forgot, I wanted to ask, since you mentioned Alpha-17 in this, what does he think about this? He didn’t think much of the jedi, but he grew to respect and care for Obi-wan. Has he been told what the senate has been doing to the jedi? Did he have a heavy flashback to events like Fox did? Times when in hindsight it’s clear what had been done to Obi-wan and or Anakin, but he didn’t have the context to realize what had happened?

Raising his head slowly from his pad, Rex stared at Dogma, feeling an icy cold calmness settle in over his nerves. The meeting room was quiet, everyone stilling at Dogma’s musing and even more when Rex attention was caught.

Dogma looked like he regretted saying anything, clenching the pad in his own hands where he had been looking over his portion of the feeds Fox had sent over.  

“…Would you repeat that again trooper?” Rex stated calmly, feeling calm but from the way Dogma paled, some of the murderous intent hidden under it all must be leaking out.

Shifting in his seat, glancing around at the mix of 212th and 501st that were involved in figuring out who had General Kenobi last night, Dogma opened his mouth, closed it then squared his shoulder. “I-It was just ideal musing really sir but, well, a lot of the commanders… they look like the Generals…” He repeated, stammering a bit as he started nervously rubbing at the edge of his tattoo near the lip.

Rex continued staring at him, his gaze burning.  

Licking his lips, Dogma shifted. “I mean, there’s Commander Grey’s General and Commander, they look alike,” Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume. “That little Initiate that looks like General Ti in the temple,” Rex knew who he was talking about, little thing with a blue saber. “And Commander Iron’s little commander looks like…” Dogma trailed off, looking even more nervous now.

Cal Kestie’s, commander of the 13th battalion.

Little commander Kestie with red hair, pale skin and freckles.

Rex felt the pad crack in his hands, the screen warping along the break as heavy realization sunk in and he faintly realized Longshot was suddenly slamming his fist into the wall.

Cal Kestie looked like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

“That’s… just the ones at the top of my head,” Dogma continued, warily glancing at Longshot where the trooper was now pressing his head to the wall. “I bet if we looked at records, we’d find out other older Generals look like many of those that are now and if we really looked at the little ones in the temple…” He trailed off and then shrugged awkwardly.

He didn’t really need to say more.

Not when everyone knew what he was implying and was likely right about.

This was not what Rex had been expecting when Cody left with the General, eyes asking them to find out who the hell hurt Obi-Wan. He had been expecting to be gnashing his teeth and glaring at cams as he tried to follow the Jedi through the halls and figure out which karking monster had him.

Now he was stuck thinking about all the little Jedi younglings who looked like older Generals, now he was stuck thinking about the commanders he had seen that looked like their masters or grandmasters.

Now he was stuck thinking about how the rest of the galaxy had a hard on for said younglings and how much that must hurt the older ones. And how the older Jedi were victims of the damn Senate, the governing body of the inner core, because face it, outer core didn’t get effected by core politics.

He’d seen enough to know that.

Putting down his damaged pad, Rex buried his face in his hands and let out a deep breath.

Then he forced himself to take five breaths in through his nose and out of his mouth, just like Ordo had taught him.

It made him wonder about the Alpha and the Null clones.

He had heard from the Kamino guards that when Alpah-17 learned what was going on with the Jedi, he had apparently shot Senator Burtoni point blank.

He wasn’t… quite sure what that was about.

It was a terrible risk to shoot a longneck on Kamino, the chances of hiding it from the rest of them were low, especially such a high prolific member as Senator Burtoni had become. So that left the question of why Alpah had shot her.

He knew it couldn’t be pure rage but as far as Rex knew, the longnecks didn’t have sexuality in the same way as most species in the galaxy and relied more on cloning for their generations, the impact of cloning and ‘bettering’ their genetics for survival doing something to their libido or that’s what Kix had said.

So it wasn’t related to the Jedi being unable to say n-Rex paused before lifting his head, thinking furiously.

No didn’t have to mean only sexual consent, no could mean… other things.

No to examinations, no to invasive study, no to…  

Force, the fox hole just kept getting deeper and deeper and Rex decided that he would have to contact Alpha, because speculating like this was only hurting his head.

‘Fucking longnecks. Fucking Senate. Fucking Ruusan Reformation.’

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