In awol Jedi how does the escape from coruscant go? Do the escape cleanly or do the get caught?

Landing almost silently behind the swish of his cloak and the click of his heels, Obi-Wan glanced around warily to check if anyone had seen him jump from the roof.

Thankfully, except for a stray tooka, who was staring at him with large yellow eyes, no one seemed to have noticed the Jedi and Obi-Wan let out the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding as he straightened and fixed his hood.

Then he set of, blending into the crowds of the slums of Coruscant, many people having hoods up as they didn’t want to be recognized or seen, all of them occupied with their own task they didn’t want to be recognized doing, be it for pleasure or business.

If there was one place someone could get lost, it was in a place where everyone wanted to be lost and Obi-Wan blended in with the crowd easily and despite his urge to intervene when he noticed a dealer selling deathsticks, he kept walking.

Everyone had split up, leaving out through the bedroom windows in ten minutes intervals to ensure no one caught onto several shadows leaping away. If ‘only’ one Jedi disappeared, it look like they were just angling for a bit of fun and Mace had reported over comm that he had a pair of shadows as he made his way towards the Jedi temple.

Plo had equally reported his own tails but neither Stass or Depa had reported anyone following them and Obi-Wan had not noticed anyone following him either. And honestly, he had been hyper focused on that.

Oppo should be leaving any moment now according to the chrono and Obi-Wan hoped that he wouldn’t have someone following him.

It would make everything simpler as they were suppose to rendezvous in half an hour as long as the last Jedi out wasn’t being followed.

They knew that they wouldn’t be able to take the ship they had arrived in, unfortunately but thankfully, Fox and the Coruscant troopers had arranged with another ship from the Jedi temple hours earlier.

It had been set up at a landing pad in Coco Town, Dex keeping an eye on it for the Jedi and ensuring that no one caught on just who the ship was intended for.

Honestly, Obi-Wan was so ready to get out of dodge.

He wanted to go home, research the flora and fauna, have tea with Anakin, play with the twins and enjoy time with the 212th, not cater to the whims of politicians.

His comm crackled and Obi-Wan quickly slipped into a shielded dead end, lifting it to listen as Oppo reported in.

All clear.

They could go home and Obi-Wan’s pulse throbbed with excitement.

They were going home again.

Their ruse had worked, Kamino was emptied out of troopers clones, fetus to adults, and now they could start rebuilding a planet just for them, safe away from the demands of the Senate as they ripped themselves free from their rules.

The Senate and their laws and ‘justice’ had almost destroyed the Jedi, there were even less now than before and Obi-Wan could only sense relief in himself at how free the Jedi order suddenly were along with the troopers. ‘Home…’ He slipped back into the crowds.

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