LupineCopper- Who wins the fight? What happens when Ani gets back from his flight?

“Sit.” Obi-Wan stated, watching the Sith.

Maul, glaring, did as told, settling down on the couch. He quickly pulled his legs up under himself and tucked his hands up in his lap, obeying his pack alpha much to Obi-Wan’s relief.

So far, the other had obeyed everything Obi-Wan told him.

Some with great reluctance of course but none of the orders Obi-Wan had for him were bad and it was clear the Sith was mostly just being a bit contrary because he had lost to Obi-Wan.

That wasn’t so bad.

Anakin crawled onto the couch too, ignoring Maul as he watched Obi-Wan hopefully. The boy had quickly understood the dynamic with Maul, that the other were wasn’t a danger because he was now under Obi-Wan’s leadership.

Anakin had also been watching when Obi-Wan tied the other were up, a for show thing for the nabooan’s more than anything and had seen how Maul folded, sulkily, to Obi-Wan’s command.

Maul had only once tried to disobey Obi-Wan, after waking up in the infirmary with the Jedi all around him and a sharp growl from the human had fixed that.

Sighing, Obi-Wan ran his hand over his hair before smiling at his pup. “I’m gonna heat some rations, okay? There’s also the fruit bowl.” He reminded the boy, smiling a bit wider at how Anakin perked up.

The blond instantly shot towards the small table to the side of the rooms that held said bowl, grabbing a large apple that he bit into with a loud crunch. Anakin had already asked if Maul wasn’t suppose to eat and Obi-Wan had explained to him that zabraks were carnivores.

They occasionally added supplementing things to their diet, like the occasional breaded things, fruits and whatever they wanted, but the majority of their food were meat.

Which was why Obi-Wan was grateful that he had restocked his own supplies when they were on Coruscant.

As a human, Obi-Wan could eat anything and be healthy from it. Maul needed more meat and therefore Obi-Wan had started feeding the man the jerky Obi-Wan had originally packed for himself.

Making his way over to his bags, he pulled out his ‘Carnivore’ bag as Qui-Gon playfully called it, ignoring how Maul almost piteously perked up with hope, the Sith trying to hide his reaction to the prospect of food.

Maul’s reaction to the things around him told Obi-Wan a lot of things.

Like the fact that whoever had trained him, both the wolf and the man, was a cruel being.

Maul didn’t need to tell Obi-Wan that, he could read it in the reaction Maul had to simple and even kind touches, the wary eyes, the way he ducked his head when Obi-Wan was close and the way he practically scarfed down the food initially.

Whoever had power over Maul, they had used it harshly and turned the other cruel in response to his own pain.

Which was why Obi-Wan was doing his best not to treat Maul too badly with the power he had. A bit hard yes, he expected to be obeyed he had made clear, he couldn’t allow the other to act out, what if he hurt Anakin?

But not cruelly, there was a difference between discipline and cruelty.

Quietly, Obi-Wan held out a full bag of jerky to the other, waiting patiently until Maul snatched the bag with a little grumble, the other tucking his chin down as he pulled himself even more together on the couch.

But he started to eat, no longer watching Obi-Wan with wary eyes and waiting until he had made distance before he would eat, as if he expected the food to be snatched away to begin with.

No, now he ate, still watching Obi-Wan of course but not scarfing it all down.

It was progress, just as Obi-Wan had made progress with Anakin.

It was slow going but Obi-Wan’s pack would recover from what life had been thrown at them. And if a small, stifled part of Obi-Wan, the part that had longed for a larger pack when it was just him and Qui-Gon, was preening contently as he feed Anakin too… well, no one but Obi-Wan had to know.

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