So in Lupine Copper, does Obi win? How do the Nabor react when Anakin returns to the surface and Obi tries to get his pup? How does Ani react? Plus he is a son of the Force so…

Shuddering faintly as the wind seemed to burrow past his cloak as he pressed himself to Qui-Gon’s side, Obi-Wan eyed the tied up Sith sitting at their feet with wary concern as they waited for the council to arrive.

So far the bacta seemed to be doing its duty and the two hearts of a zabrak meant the other was hardier than most humans. But as the other’s alpha and now pack leader, Obi-Wan was now responsible for him.

And wasn’t that just a fucked up situation, a Sith as his packmate and underling.

How he was going to explain this to the Council and the rest of the temple he wasn’t sure but frankly, Obi-Wan was just too tired to really make sense of it at the moment, focusing more on the comfort of Qui-Gon’s body.

And Anakin hiding under his cloak.

The boy hadn’t left his side since Padme had, very clumsily since Obi-Wan was standing right there and she was trying not to be obvious in calling him a monster, tried to convince him away from Obi-Wan.

Anakin had not liked that.

No, the boy had been scandalized by Padme and clung to Obi-Wan waist with wide blue eyes before looking up at Obi-Wan, calling out with a high pitched voice. “You were right! They’re prejudiced!” Then he hid his face in Obi-Wan’s side.

Several Nabooan’s had gotten an ugly flush at that, even as Obi-Wan soothingly tried to rub at Anakin’s back, murmuring comfortingly.

Frankly, aside from a few snide comments and scathing looks, Obi-Wan was actually treated better than he was used to if he was honest.

Not that he’d tell Anakin that.

The boy was already upset with Obi-Wan’s injuries, the minor and the major, from the left arm settled into a sling, scrapes on his face and the limp he had when he walked. So Obi-Wan would rather not upset the boy even more when his pup was already distressed.

And he liked it even less that Naboo’s queen seemed determined to follow them around and tried to speak with Anakin one on one when she could.

It was thankfully difficult for her, seeing as she had duties but due to her handmaidens and their undercover trick, it left Padme time to find them too. The handmaidens were skilled in the affairs of court too after all, being as close as they were to their queen.

And at the moment, they were all there.

Since with the council came the new Chancellor, former Senator Palpatine.

Obi-Wan wasn’t sure what he felt about that.

Valorum wasn’t extremely pro lupines but he didn’t have a bias against them either and was friendly to Jedi. And he was Qui-Gon’s friend, he had always greeted Obi-Wan pleasantly, never changed his attitude even when he realized Obi-Wan was a were.

The cultural context of Naboo almost guaranteed that Chancellor Palpatine would have less friendly views of werewolves and Obi-Wan…

Well, hopefully the man wouldn’t try to lobby for any laws that prohibited or made werewolves lives harder.

Finally the ship came into view and Obi-Wan sighed deeply only to tense when he felt his new packmate suddenly shift back, pressing against Obi-Wan’s leg, shoulders trembling faintly.

A subconscious move for sure and Obi-Wan glanced at Qui-Gon questionably.

Qui-Gon, familiar with canine behaviors, studied the zabrak, the way his head was tilted down, the trembling shoulders and the way he had pressed back into Obi-Wan. “…I’ll greet the council and Chancellor, take him to our space.” He finally murmured.

Reaching down, Obi-Wan helped the zabrak up, feeling Anakin follow under his cloak as they made their way down the landing platform, Obi-Wan ignoring how the nabooan group gave him a wide berth.

He had worse, right now he had pack duties, a packmate to settle and a pup to feed as he heard Anakin’s stomach growl.

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