(Sorry, I’ll have to come back to HoarderSeer: I remember loving it when I read it, but can’t recall what happened right now, haha) DrinkTooMany is awesome so far! I love how protective both Boba and Paz are; they revolve around Din, and it shows. More than that, I love how he lets them! And Din’s rage at the poisoner was just delightful – I really DO hope he gets the chance to put that miserable idiot on his ass! That would be awesome!

The first thing every member of the court noticed when they arrived was that the silver mando was sitting on the arm of Fett’s throne, elbows resting on his thighs and leg thrown between the sprawl of Fett’s thighs. The omega’s hands hang limply between his knees and his body is seemingly relaxed even as his visor tracks every being entering the room in a short moment before dismissing them just as quickly.

Fett carefully kneads at the leg between his while big blue is standing beside the omega, one hand resting at the small of his back in a lightly rubbing motion and whatever the omega had been doing before to suppress his scent, it is no longer in effect.

The scent of unhappy omega is ripe in the air.

Not the bitter or overly sweet scent of an upset or sick one but sharper somehow, focused in a way that leaves several alphas sitting up and taking notice as their nose and even teeth somehow ache in reaction to the scent.

But the mando’s alphas somehow seem at ease with it.

Even seem to enjoy it by the sight of Paz leaning in to gently nuzzle his helmet to the others, a low murmur coming from the vocoder.

Djarin snorts, doesn’t look away from the doorway, as if he’s waiting for something but he does respond in a similar low tone. Whatever he says, has Fett chuckling faintly as he runs his hand up to squeeze the others knee for a moment then back to knead the calf once more.

The scent changes a bit, a measure of pleased omega.

And then it sharpens again as there is a shout down the hall, the sound of a shuffle with all three now focused on the doorway as Shand bodily throws the alpha noble into the throne room.

The man looks a far sight of from the man that arrived arrogant and thinking he was better than anyone in the throne room. For one his clothes and hair is now a mess, messy from being slept in and having no opportunity to groom himself and he’s also bleeding from his nose, dripping onto the front of his silk vest.

He rolls on the throne floor, coming to a stop in front of the dais as Shand prowls after with a proud smirk on her lips as she takes up her spot on the other side of the throne, secure in the knowledge that her personally trained guards will hold the noble right where he is should he try to flee.

Smartly, the man does not and doesn’t even try to rise but that could be the pressure of two alphas and an omega so sharply focused on him.

For a moment, no one speaks, the music is dead silent in the halls of Fett palace.

“He give you any problem?” Fett finally drawled, all three visors focused on the quivering noble on the floor but clearly speaking to Shand.

“Tried to rush at me when I opened the cell,” Shand snarked, smirking a bit as she cracked the knuckles of her hand with the other. “So I punched him.”

A low snigger from the big blue alpha, a vicious sound even through the vocoder. “Said it before, gonna say it again, your my kind of beta Shand.” He growled happily.

She gave a mocking bow in return before reaching down and pulling up a bottle of spotchka from behind the throne, likely stashed by Shand herself.

There was a shuffle, the New Republican noble was getting to his feet, holding his hands up in a surrendering motion. “M-My lords, I am sure I have gravely insulted you all bu-” Whatever else he was going to say, to try and justify himself to get out of the punishment he was sure to gain, no one would learn.

Because in that moment, Djarin burst into motion from where he had practically been vibrating on the arm of the throne. He lunged forward, his booted feet hitting the dais with a smooth jump bringing him to the floor, his left fist cocked back in swift, smooth movements that even trained warriors might have difficultly avoiding.

An unfit core alpha from a noble family that thought exercise beneath him?

No chance, the mandalorian hit true and hard.

The wet thump echoed in the room along with the loud crack, a telling noise of something breaking at the hit as the alpha hit the ground. Djarin had held nothing back and downed the alpha with that power punch, growling happily as the alpha cried out and cradled his nose, rolling on the floor in pain.

Both alphas behind him were watching closely, the court able to scent the arousal they had for the violent display of what was clearly a feral omega.

The noble wheezed looking up at Djarin as he held his hands over his face as he got up on his knees. “Ma ‘ose! Ma ‘ose! Yo ‘itch!” He cried out with tears in his eyes.

And idiocy showing once more as both Fett and Paz growled deeply at the insult to the omega, the low level arousal they had been letting out disappearing in the face of their rage.

Djarin just snorted before putting his foot to the man’s shoulder and pushing, sending him onto his back.

The alpha wheezed but before he could move, Djarin stepped after him and raised his foot, placing it purposefully on the alpha’s groin.

A loud, frightened if garbled whine escaped the man’s throat, most likely an involuntary reaction to the threat to his privates and just as involuntary, several alphas covered their own groins or shifted in discomfort.

The silence was almost stifling as Djarin stood there, a trembling alpha beneath his foot. “If you had drugged me on purpose,” He stated slowly, vocoder doing nothing to hide the dark tone of his voice. “I would have castrated you here and now in front of everyone.” Djarin growled deeply.

The alpha whimpered loudly, the hand not covering his face spasming on the floor, as if undecided if he should attempt to shove the others foot off of him.

“Luckily for you, you didn’t target me on purpose,” Djarin continued, his voice easing up. Maybe a mercy extending everyone thought confusedly until the next words came. “But you tried to drug my mate and I am not one to be trifled with when it comes to family.” With that, Djarin ground the heel of his foot down against the alpha’s dick and balls, simply kicking the man’s hands away when the noble tried to grab his ankle, screaming and crying.

No mercy from the violent omega, that was for sure as he continued slowly torturing the man in front of an entire court and his alphas.

Both simply watched, quiet and attentive and Shand was simply sampling her booze, eyes lidded as she relaxed though occasionally she winced at the pitch the New Republican managed to get.

Finally, when the man was out of air and panting instead of screaming, Djarin lifted his foot and stepped back, snorting deeply as he made his way back to the dais, stepping into the waiting arms of the big blue mandalorian.

The man greeted his mate with a low, proud croon, the only noise outside of the panting of the alpha on the floor. The two rubbed the forehead of their helmets together before Paz was handing the omega to Fett, the man instantly tucking the armored man into himself and there was no way that could be comfortable.

Two armored men in a stone throne, but they seemed to make it work as they watched big blue stepped down from the dais and made his way to the noble, lifting him by the front of his expensive clothes until they were visor to eye level, the noble eyes wild as he shakily clutched onto the cuirass of the armor.

For a second, the alpha just stood there, easily holding the other up off his feet, showing the strength his stature indicated. Then Paz chuckled darkly, sending a shiver of dread down everyone but three people’s backs. “I’m going to flay you alive and leave you for the scavengers of the desert,” He lightly shook the man, chuckling even more when he whimpered in fright. “Boba has already said I can do what I want. And I suffer no threat to my mates without repercussion.” That said, he started walking, dragging the weakly struggling man with him.

Djarin made a motion to follow the alpha dragging their prey out only for Fett to croon at him, pulling him back into his lap. “Let Paz have his fun sweetheart. You already had yours and I do so hate being alone.” Fett playfully, heard by the entire court despite the lowness of his voice

Both Shand and Djarin snorted, the noise crackly through the vocoder of the mandalorian before he huffed and nodded, settled into his mate.

A few of the more sadistically inclined people of the court followed after, eager to see spilled blood as when Paz stated he was going to flay the man, it had not sounded like an exaggeration.

Fett simply waved his hand and got the court started properly for the day, not even pausing when they heard screaming from outside.

But if he smelled satisfied with his arm possessively wrapped around the waist of his beskar dressed enforcer and mate…

Well, a warning had thoroughly been sent.

Don’t mess with Fett’s mates and don’t mess with Fett.

Because a hefty toll would be paid when either of the alphas or the omega extracted the payment from fools.

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