Hey! :) I love your story «Drink to many» and I really wanna know what happens next. ^^» Boba and Paz take good care of Din, right? And what happens to the Dickhead, that slipped something in the drink? Thank you so much for your writing! You are amazing! :)

One of the things that he would never ever get tired of since coming to Tatooine and taking over the palace would be the fresher of the King’s suite. It was practically decadent, since it had a karking marble tub sunken into the floor with a slight rim to avoid any potential sand coming into it.

It was honestly more of a small pool than a tub in Din’s eyes, it easily held five or seven people, though maybe it had been intended for the worm that once owned the palace.

If so, the size made sense.

Boba had a few edits done of course, adding a shower in one corner of the fresher for quicker washes but the tub was nice for lazy days, especially after he had a few workers put in some steps that they could sit on and lean back against the rim.

Boba liked to have either Din or Paz sit down in the tub while he sat up on the rim with his feet in the water, washing the hair of whichever he had in between his legs. And Din and Paz enjoyed rubbing oils into Boba’s scarred skin to soften the skin and ease some of the pain Boba carried in the more sensitive of the scars.

Paz had turned on the taps so it had a head start on filling up while he cleaned up Din’s face and helped him drink, so by the time they came in, the tub was as good as filled for their needs, the steam rising slightly off the water.

Boba had been quick to add some oils to the water, the scent refreshing and woodsy, though Din couldn’t quite put a label to the scent outside of ‘woodsy’.

Didn’t matter, it smelt nice and would leave Din feeling clean as his alphas were clearly in a protective frame of mind with how close they kept.

Both alphas attention were turned on Din and it might have been overwhelming if Din wasn’t one, so used to it and two, so out of it.

Paz had been required to get into the tub and help Din in with Boba’s help, his legs not wanting to hold him properly and while a shower might have been easier, the bath would help with the sore muscles as much as the cleaning.

Clinging to his bigger alpha, Din let out a soft whine of humiliation as he pressed into the others neck.

He hated feeling like he was helpless.

He wasn’t and both his alphas knew it, but his muscles were practically jelly on him and all his instincts were crooning for his alphas.

Paz arms tightened around him, the man purring at him quietly as he pulled back to sit down on one of the bath steps, bringing water up to Din’s shoulders and his own chest. “Easy mesh’la. There’s no shame in needing us.” Paz promised as Boba joined them with a small splash, the shorter man moving until he was standing in front of Paz and Din on the lower step.

A callused hand settled on the small of his back, rubbing slowly. “Paz is right sweetheart, no one expects you to be fine after being drugged,” Boba murmured tenderly, prompting Din to look up from Paz neck. “Let your buir’ika and alpha take care of you, how about that princess?” He tacked on with a small smile.

The smile did nothing to hide the worry in Boba’s eyes but… well, it was nice and Din felt himself settle a bit more at it, nodding slightly. Paz shifted him instantly, pushing and pulling Din easily until he was leaning back against Paz chest, head settled to his shoulder and warm lips gently seeking out Din’s neck.

“That’s our boy,” Boba rumbled, grabbing the bar soap they kept and quickly scrubbing it between his hands until he had a good lather. “Just let us get you back on your feet and then you can kill the shabuir.” He chuckled lowly, smirking when Din grunted in agreement.

It turned into a low moan of comfort when Boba’s hands got to work in his hair first.

Paz ran a hand between Din’s legs underwater in the meantime, cleaning away dried slick with water and honestly, it felt fantastic.

Maybe if he was in better shape, he might perk up at the touch but at the moment he was just grateful Paz thought about the stupid slick between his legs. “Can you… oh.” Din closed his eyes as Boba skritched at his scalp with blunt nails.

“Hmm, what was that princess?” Boba questioned quietly, pausing when Din just mewled.

Grunting, Din shifted. “Paz, can you get the rest of the slick. Its so gross.” He huffed and felt Paz hum softly against his neck as Boba got back to work on Din’s hair when he knew it wasn’t him Din was talking to.

“Of course Din’ika. Anything you want.” He chuckled warmly, his hand reaching in between Din’s legs to carefully clean between his cheeks too. Valiantly, Din’s cock twitched, more a reaction to the sensation than any real desire.

Thankfully Paz finished up quickly, being effective and almost clinical in his cleaning. Most likely he realized that the last thing Din wanted was for his body to produce more slick after the last night. “There we go, better kar’ta?” Paz questioned softly into his neck, humming contently when Din let out an agreeable little purr. “Good. Like buir’ika said, we’ll get you back on your feet so you can rain holy terror down on people.” He chortled quietly and Din couldn’t help but snigger with him.

He liked it when his alphas let him go feral on his own.

Maybe he wasn’t the most traditional of omegas but hey, he didn’t have to be, not when both Boba and Paz enjoyed him just like he was.

“Bet you Din makes him cry,” Boba suddenly said, a sly smirk in his voice as he pulled his hands out of Din’s hair. “Aw, don’t cry sweetheart, I’m just gonna rinse your hair out, so keep your eyes closed.” He crooned when Din whined.

“Not crying.” He huffed, closing his eyes tightly when he heard the telltale sound of the water bowl they kept splashing into the water.

Warm water ran through his hair and over his face, Boba rinsing out of his hair three times before humming in satisfaction.

“You’re on. Though considering you’re the one paying for the scopes anyhow, I don’t see how its a win for you.” Paz stated with some bemusement that Din echoed with his own soft noise.

Boba just sniggered before humming. “Reminds me, I got a new credit chip for you two to use and no, you don’t get to have it Din. You just gave everything away last time, which is cute but its for you two to get yourself something nice.” Boba snorted deeply, Din opening his eyes to huff at the alpha.

Boba just smirked and leaned in, kissing him chastely but sweetly on the lips.

“Sweet, I noticed they set up a bakery at the market stalls. We can use some of it there.” Paz stated with some excitement, squeezing Din gently.

Well, baked goods didn’t sound so bad.

And maybe some new blankets and pillows for his nest he mused out loud.

Din missed his two mates exchanging a pleased look over his head.

They’d spoil their omega yet.

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