Will you be writing a new omegaverse Paz/Din? Or perhaps Boba/Din? Or could we get more of the one you’ve already started, the touch-starved one? (Also, spite is one of the best motivators xD) Thank you for your lovely stories! đŸ’™đŸ„°

Waking slowly, Din felt disturbingly uncomfortable.

Somehow he was both wet and yet dried out at the same time, his head pounding slightly while feeling both too hot and yet too cold at the same time.

And for the life of him, he couldn’t remember what had happened.

Slowly he forced himself to open his eyes to the dimness of the room, letting out a low noise as he felt how crusted they were, feeling gross at how it practically felt like eye boogers were falling every time he blinked.

But he could tell that this was their room, their safe place where his nest and his alphas dens were made and by the feel of the room and the light, it seemed to be approaching midday, the heat of the room underground not unbearable but not pleasant either.

The longer he was awake he also realized eyes weren’t the only thing crusted, his thighs and legs felt disgusting.

Far better was the sensation of his mates pressed around him, warm skin pressed to his own.

Paz had taken up at his back, face pressed to Din’s neck and his arm under Din’s head.

It had to be so numb Din dazedly thought, blinking to try and get the crust out of his eyes without moving.

Boba had taken up the front, the smaller alpha pressed to Din’s chest, arms around the trim waist with his forehead to Din’s collarbone, knees pressed to his omega’s own. It was a position Boba tended to take, admitting once that he enjoyed being able to listen to Din’s heartbeat until he fell asleep.

Not that Din minded having Boba tucked under his chin, it was a nice feeling, having his scarred buir’ika trusting him so and his inner omega purred at being able to provide comfort for his higher alpha.

But for the life of him, Din doesn’t remember why he’s so wrung out at the moment.

Or why both of his alphas are wrapped so tightly around him.

Boba hasn’t held onto his hips this possessively since he put his teeth into Din’s mating gland and Paz is sleeping with his nose practically pressed to his scent gland, as if he needs the scent to reassure himself somehow.

Despite how awful he feels, Din can tell he hasn’t been in a heat.

At least not a normal one, though with a noise of disgust, he realizes why he feels wet as he feels the mostly dry slick between his cheeks and thighs.

And tellingly, his hips don’t have that delicious friction ache that comes from mating with his virile mates.

But his heat was so far of still, Paz rut was suppose to come first, Boba having been teasing the bigger alpha about it each time it was mentioned while Paz pouted and clung to Di-the drink.

Din shot up at the memory to the surprised, raspy cries of the other two, the memory of the awkwardly sweet drink he had grabbed from Boba’s throne yet had still drunk because once he had grabbed it, he didn’t want to be ungrateful spinning in his head.

His head instantly spun at being upright though and he gave a keen as his head throbbed with pain, feeling hands wrap around him and pull him back down, soft crooning and purring soothing at him with tender hands petting.

It didn’t make the pain or the soreness of his body go away but it did encourage him to open his eyes again, wondering when he had closed them. Blinking up at Paz and Boba’s worried faces, Din let out a piteously low whine.

“Get water Paz,” Boba ordered quietly, recognizing that Din’s head must be killing him as he cupped their omega’s cheek, rubbing gently with his thumb at a high cheekbone. “Are you okay with both of us leaving the bed princess? I’ll get you some painkillers if you are.” He tacked on softly as Paz did as told, the rustle of the beaded curtain of the fresher jangling softly.

While he would rather not be alone, even for a minute, the prospect of a hypo did tempt and he gave a shaking nod, swallowing thickly as he heard the rush of water, indicating that Paz fetching what sounded like ambrosia to Din.

Boba paused long enough to press their foreheads together before disappearing too, leaving Din to stare up at the beige roof of their room, his blue wind chime in his peripheral vision.

Every blink however reminded him of his crusty eyes and slowly he raised a hand to try and remove it.

A large, warm hand wrapped around his wrist before he could though, Din letting out a low noise of discomfort as Paz sat down on the bed with a jug set on the nightstand, a small blue cloth over his arm. “Don’t.” He rumbled before reaching down and lifting Din up via his armpits, settling him against the cool wooden headboard.

It rankled to be treated like an invalid or a child and Din opened his mouth to voice his complaints only to shut it and his eyes when Paz pressed the blue cloth to his face, Din realizing it was a washcloth, a wet one

Carefully Paz set to washing at Din’s eyes and over his face, removing the grime and crust. That too felt almost as lovely as the idea of drinking some cool water and Din let out a relieved whimper as he pressed into the touch.

Paz let out a soft croon in return and washed down his neck and over his shoulder.

By then the cloth had warmed up but it had done its duty and Paz set it aside to grab the water cup on the bedside, filling it with water from the jug, Din watching closely if tiredly the whole time until the cup was set to his lips.

Shaking hands came up to grasp at the cup, though Paz didn’t let go even as Din held onto it while drinking in slow, steady gulps.

Most likely for the best, considering Din’s hands were shaking without holding onto anything.

Boba returned as he was finishing the cup, a hypo in his hand. “Fennec had one ready, she’s dealing with the idiots out there.” He grunted, sitting down on Din’s other side.

Shifting forward a bit, Din made it easier for the alpha to get to his back, letting the man set the hypospray into his left shoulder muscle.

He felt disturbingly vulnerable as he did, though his mates being there and surrounding him did offset the feeling thankfully, Din licking his cracked lips once the cup was lowered and refilled, though Paz didn’t give Din the second cup of water. “What the hell was I slipped?” He rasped out.

Boba, nuzzling gently at his neck, paused. “Something meant for me and therefore an alpha. It was never meant for an omega system.” He rumbled, clearly upset even as Din leaned into the touch.

Snorting faintly, Din opened his mouth, only to let out a low noise when he heard a crack, blinking to Paz.

The big alpha had opened a can of something, raising a brow when he saw Din blinking at him confusion. “Energy drink. You’re going to need the sugar and vitamins it has after what just happened.” He stated seriously, lifting the can to Din’s lips. “Plus, its cold.” He tacked on.

Well, Paz wasn’t wrong and obediently Din started drinking, letting out a low moan at how cold it was, drinking more eagerly despite Paz not tilting the drink too much.

Clearly the other was avoiding the water belly he knew Din would give himself if left to his own devices.

“I need a shower
” He whispered once the can was lowered again, peering at the two.

“Do you think you can stand on your own?” Boba questioned, eyeing him seriously as Din considered that question, the man looking pleased for a second when Din shook his head.

It puzzled Din until he realized that Boba was pleased Din admitted to the help he needed.

‘I’m not that bad.’ He flustered, even as Boba reached out to settle an arm around his waist, Din settling his own over Boba’s shoulder.

Together, the two got Din up on shaking legs, Paz warily watching, hands ready to catch just in case Din’s legs buckled.

Thankfully, they didn’t, though Din felt them tremble as he clung to Boba, eyeing the distance between the bed and the fresher curtains with trepidation.

“Easy mesh’la, we won’t let you fall.” Paz whispered, large, careful hands settling on Din’s shoulders to rub, the anxiety bundling in Din’s stomach easing out as he carefully, with both Paz and Boba’s help, made his way towards the fresher.

I get first shot at breaking the shabuir jaw.” He muttered, smiling weakly when both chuckled quietly in dark agreement. ‘Once my legs can carry me that is.’

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