I love Floralskin!! Mainly because of the Rexwalker, but Obi-Wan with a flower on his face from Cody’s scar is also pretty neat. Could we see the next part? Maybe Rex convincing Anakin to tell Obi-Wan about what Palpatine tried to get him to do and them realizing he’s the Sith? Love all your stories!! đź’™đźĄ°

Pausing, Anakin tilted his head at his soulmate. “What did you say?” He questioned with amusement, waiting for Rex to lift his head from his arms.

Turning it enough so he could peer blearily at Anakin, Rex let out a small grunt of disgruntlement at the stopped massage. “I said, you should talk with General Kenobi,” He repeated, giving a little happy sigh when Anakin started rubbing slowly at his back again. “It would help to talk with him. I know osik all about Force stuff but what the Chancellor told you sounds like…” He grimaced for point.

Honestly, when they had arrived back at Anakin’s quarters, the taller blond had still been less than settled and had therefore dragged his soulmate into the bedroom.

Of course, Rex was willing to do anything to help out Anakin, even if he wasn’t quite in the mood. Still, he had let Anakin undress him, his armor set to the side, a bit confused by Anakin telling him not to bother with the Jedi’s clothes.

It made more sense though, when instead of lube, Anakin had grabbed massage oil from his bed drawer and gently encouraged Rex to lay down on his stomach.

Now wholly onboard, knowing how tactile his soulmate was, Rex settled down on top of the covers and rested his head on his arms, smiling slightly as Anakin straddled Rex rear.

The weight had been comforting and the smell of the oil, a cloves Rex thought, had been soothing with the dimmed lights of the bedroom.

Added along with Anakin’s warm hands, the other having heated his mech arm up so the glove wasn’t cold, it made for a gorgeous sensation as Anakin slowly started kneading muscles, working at soreness in Rex back.

It had been so peaceful and Rex was sure the other must be using some kind of weird Force technique on Rex muscles, with how good the massage felt. Or maybe it was just that Anakin knew how to work his hands on muscles.

Hell did Rex know.

And then Rex had to open his fat mouth and interrupt the moment, Anakin now frowning faintly as he stared down at his hands on Rex oily skin. “I… don’t know. Maybe I’m overreacting?” The other blond mumbled, nervously shifting on top of Rex.

Grunting, Rex shifted then pushed at one of Anakin’s knees, encouraging the Jedi to shift up a bit so Rex could turn around on his back, uncaring of getting oil on the sheets. Instead he worked his arms around Anakin’s waist, staring up at him seriously. “You will listen to me Anakin Skywalker, you can be dramatic and you can be a bit too much sometimes,” The Jedi winced. “HOWEVER,” Rex continued sternly. “You are not overreacting. What Chancellor Palpatine told you was horrifying.” He scowled.

Sucking on his bottom lip, Anakin reached out to gently thumb at the flower on Rex face, tracing it with a tender touch. “…What if Obi-Wan thinks I’m silly?” He whispered, his emotions tangling with anxiety in the captain’s head.

Nuzzling at the others fingers, Rex raised his brows at his soulmate. “Do you really think he will?” He wryly questioned in return.

There was a pause and then Anakin shook his head, smiling shakily.

“Then you know you can go to him. He’ll listen.” Rex added, pulling Anakin down to kiss him softly, feeling the other smile into the kiss.

He knew Anakin would go speak with Obi-Wan.

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