
TigerAni AU

Near the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin’s life is thrown into turmoil. Ashoka is gone and Padma has ended their marriage/relationship, and the war seems to be getting worse.

Feeling like he is losing everything, Anakin starts to spiral into a deep depression and his anxiety peeks. He feels trapped, alone, helpless, and angry and after one particular terrible day he reaches his breaking point when he gets into a fight with Obi-Wan.

Unknowing Anakin channels the force into himself and changes his body, instinctually trying to escape everything by becoming something else, in this case a tiger.

Anakin is still coherent but can only communicate through his force bond with Obi-Wan, which has been significantly strengthened by the event, allowing both men to feel the other’s emotions more easily.

Nothing like this has ever happened before, so no one knows how to fix it. The council declares that Anakin will stay at the temple while Obi-Wan continues to fight in the war, but Obi-Wan camly refuses. He will take Anakin with him, and if the council refuses he will leave the order.

Obi-Wan feels horrible that Anakin felt like this was his only choice, that he felt like he couldn’t go to Obi-Wan for help, but Obi-Wan is determined to fix that. He promises he won’t leave Anakin and won’t abandon him no matter what.

((Later on Anakin is able to become human again for short periods of time when he’s in a really good mood. The better state his mind becomes the longer these periods last. It’s not until Anakin and Obi-Wan become honest with each other and start a relationship does Anakin gain true control over his form.))

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