so for floralskin I have a prompt. palps doesn’t realize that Ani has already found his soulmate so he thinks that Ani is all hung up on Padme still. So he casually mentions that there might be a way to link their souls through a force bond that would make them soul mates and override whoever her soul mate really is. so it harkens to the opera scene where he is all like «that is not something Jedi can do» but he doesn’t realize that the interest that Ani is feeling is really horror at the idea.

Pulling his soulmate with him, holding onto the others hand, Anakin felt his heart throb with panic as he almost ran out of the theater he had been invited to.

He wanted to be anywhere but here, anywhere but where the Chancellor was, desperately stuffing his wild panic behind his shields along with his fear and anger as he clung to Rex hand, pulling his soulmate with him.

Rex didn’t even try to stop him, though he was sending a soothing, worried emotion through their bond, the other blond recognizing that Anakin needed to be away and therefore waiting to question the other man.

Finally though, in the darkened parking hall where Anakin had stashed the skycar earlier, Anakin slowed to a stop, shuddering before he turned and pulled Rex to him, pulling the helmet off with with the Force.

Rex might have had something to say about that, if it wasn’t for the desperate look on Anakin’s face as he reached up with his flesh hand and started gently rubbing the flowers mimicking the scar on Anakin’s own face.

Recognizing the desperation, Rex leaned into the touch, settling his hands on Anakin’s waist so he could rub slowly with his thumbs in the V of the others hips, murmuring quiet, reassuring words.

Shuddering, Anakin let out a little hiccup before burrowing forward and pressing Rex under his chin, holding onto the other tightly as he nosed at Rex short shaven blond hair. “…Cyare?” Rex whispered into the others throat.

“No one’s taking you away from me, I won’t let them. They can’t, our souls fit together.” Anakin whimpered out, Rex blinking heavily as he shifted his hands to the others back and started rubbing, both bemused and concerned.

What in the world had happened with the Chancellor?

They were suppose to be watching some kind of weird play, a charity thing for the Senators to pretend they cared about clones that Senator Amidala had managed to talk a troupe of actors into with actual vode appearing in the play, giving their own spin on old, classical warrior roles.

So why was Anakin…

Didn’t matter, at least not right now, right now Anakin needed reassurance and Rex focused on that, knowing that Anakin needed to feel him as he continued rubbing, cooing quietly in comfort. “You’re right, our souls fit together. I carry your flowers and you carry mine,” He assured quietly. “Cuun manda slanar tome.” Rex whispered tenderly, smiling when Anakin instantly eased his tight grip just enough to peer down.

Swallowing thickly, blue, slightly wet eyes peered at him. “That’s… mando’a… right?” He questioned quietly. Anakin was good with languages but only the ones he had learned when he was young, having a harder time picking up on new languages as an adult.

Thankfully, huttese were similar enough to rodian and aqualish, meaning it was easier to learn those when he had tried.

Rex tugged off a glove on one hand and reached up, cupping Anakin’s cheek. “It is. It means, our souls go together. So even should one of us fall, ee are simply marching before each other, but our souls are still entwined, still together even in death. Even vode know that.” He rubbed gently.

Nuzzling the hand, feeling the blaster calluses against his skin, Anakin let out a low noise and pressed a kiss to the inside of the others palm. “Don’t say that. Even vode, don’t put yourself down like that…” He mumbled, hands now tracing the blooms of Rex face with more affection and less desperation.

Rex just shrugged. “Some will always see us as simply ‘clones’. But I know you don’t. I can feel you, my dearest tranyc jetii.” Rex reverently ran his thumb beneath Anakin’s eye, trying not to feel flustered when Anakin pressed another kiss to his palm.

“Tranyc?” Anakin questioned quietly, now calmer as he made a mental note to talk to Obi-Wan, get his opinion before he spoke with the council.

“It quite literally means star-burned…” Rex face turned mischievous. “Or sunny. My sunny Jedi.” He teased gently, grinning when Anakin’s cheek pinked slightly.

Despite the teasing name, Anakin smiled, drawing Rex towards the skycar as he took the helmet out of the air, handing it back Rex. “Tease…”

“Only for you. Just for you ner jetii.” Rex countered quietly, tucking his helmet beneath his arm as he followed.

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