Obi’s pup still winds up in space, but Qui-Gon doesn’t die in Lupine Copper. However, Obi finds he dislikes the smell of Palpatine in generally, he absolutely hates the man’s smell when he tries to interact with his pup.

Depending on ones point of view, you are either extremely lucky or extremely unlucky to see two werewolves fight for survival or dominance.

After all, werewolves do their best to hide and survive with as good lives as they could and therefore generally ignored each other unless their instincts took over.

Therefore even Qui-Gon is shocked by the noise that escapes Obi-Wan’s throat as his padawan suddenly moves in front of everyone, green eyes locked on the Sith in front of him. But when the Sith full focus turns to Obi-Wan and he answers with the same noise, Qui-Gon knows.

He’s about to witness a Jedi werewolf and a Sith werewolf go up against each other, his saber powering down as he glances to the Nabooan making their way to the elevator.

They are all giving Obi-Wan looks, ranging from shock to contempt to fear and Qui-Gon wants to curse before his full focus is on the two wolves about to fight as bones start creaking and both shift.

And both are turning into the biggest wolves they can become clearly, Obi-Wan’s head raising in a challenging howl as he turns as big as a draft horse.

The Sith, black as night in his wolf form, is slightly bigger but not by much and even then, that would not determined the fight from the start as he echos the howl.

The two sentient in beast forms stares at each other, both panting, tongues rolling from their mouth as their bodies quivers with raging muscles.

Jerking forward, the Sith attacks first, Qui-Gon barely jumping out of the way in time as the black wolf slams into Obi-Wan, the two rolling across the floor in a fit of snarls and vicious paws, both biting at each other.

Obi-Wan tries to go for the throat only to whine in pain as his snout is scratched by vicious claws, blood rolling down him.

And Qui-Gon?

Qui-Gon is uncertain what to do.

Had this been a battle of any other kind, he would have interfered in some way.

But… this is a werewolves battle of dominance.

If he interfered, he might be turning the Sith wolf loose on the population should it decide to flee and there aren’t many things that can stop an adult werewolf, their hide blaster repellent as it is coupled with powerful muscles.

No, Qui-Gon was stuck right where he was as an observer, his lightsaber held loosely in his hand as he watched with no small amount of horror as his padawan howled with pain and bleed onto the durasteel floor, unable to help him. This fight was on Obi-Wan, the challenge between two wolves locked in ancient combat.

Once, long ago, Obi-Wan had quietly explained that when werewolves fought, it was generally for dominance or for the right to a mate. That one issued a challenge though Obi-Wan had never felt the need since he had no need to stake a mate or stake dominance.

‘But of course the Sith had to be a werewolf, of karking course Obi-Wan’s instincts would take over now.’ Qui-Gon cursed, following after the two when they Obi-Wan threw the Sith through a durasteel door, the door buckling in from the weight hitting it and Obi-Wan shooting after his enemy.

Everyone now gone from the hanger, no one was there to see Anakin and R2 take off, the boy staying in the ship just like Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had told him to.

They never said he had to stay in the hanger after all…oh, Anakin was so grounded for even longer, he just knew it.

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