Okay, really, how did Anakin and Qui-Gon know Obi-Wan had returned in major star?

Crawling into the bed with the exhausted Obi-Wan, Anakin only spared Qui-Gon a glance before burying himself into the other Jedi, taking in the scent and feel of mom finally being back after so long. He had missed Obi-Wan so much.

Which was why he had stationed R2 down in the hanger, the astromech giving in after a bit of pleading from the blond.

And after the first week of antsy probing at his comm, Qui-Gon had been clued in, both of them keeping an eye on the hangers and R2’s information.

Honestly, the two hadn’t expected the late night call, the two arriving from a late excursion out to the slums as Anakin and Qui-Gon had been investigating a drug ring mission the two had been handed.

An on Coruscant mission, easy for a fresh padawan with their home in sight, learning to work with their masters on a planet where Jedi were known and at least somewhat respected.

It was only luck that the two had arrived and about to prepare for bed when R2 commed Anakin, informing him that Obi-Wan was back.

His mom was back and with a little whimper, Anakin nuzzled into the warm, softness of the others body.

After a moment, he felt the bed dip as Qui-Gon settled down too, pressing both Obi-Wan and Anakin towards the wall as they squished in, the bed really too small for all three of them, especially as both Anakin and Qui-Gon were being careful of Obi-Wan’s braced arm.

But they made due, mostly by tangling legs and tucking and folding themselves.

Qui-Gon turned the lights of the room off with a bit of Force use and drew the blankets up around them, his long, warm arm tucked over Anakin and settled around Obi-Wan.

Finally, things went quiet, his dad a warm furnace on one side and his mother a quiet, steadily breathing comfort in front of him, Anakin able to hear the steady drum of Obi-Wan’s heart like this.

“…You know, don’t you.” Qui-Gon’s deep brogue disturbed the silence.

Anakin just nodded quietly into Obi-Wan’s chest, fisting the other Jedi’s shirt in his hands.

“Thought as much, started to suspect when you got so upset at him being sent of…” Qui-Gon murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Anakin’s head. “How long have you known?” He questioned.

Thankfully, Qui-Gon didn’t sound upset or disappointed, Anakin relaxing slowly as he realized his dad wouldn’t tell the council. “Before you took me on. Long before… I think two or three years.” He admitted shyly into the dark.

A quiet chuckle echoed into the bedroom, full of warmth and affection. “Clever little boy. But with a mom like this, how could you be anything but clever.” Qui-Gon teased quietly.

Snuggling up between them, Anakin smiled shyly into Obi-Wan’s chest, grateful for the darkness as he didn’t want Qui-Gon to see how much he was flushing at the praise. “Heard some creche masters talk about it… and then I narrowed down the possibilities. Had to be humans. Had to be males after what I heard and um… well you two showed up at my lessons.” Anakin squirmed a bit.

Qui-Gon tightened his grip around them, easing when Obi-Wan gave a little mumble. “I see… hmm, if it wouldn’t expose us, I would have had a small conversation with the creche masters… they shouldn’t be gossiping where initiates can hear them.” He grumbled, disapproval dripping of him.

Shrugging, uncaring since it allowed him to figure it all out, Anakin just settled, wondering if Qui-Gon would tell Obi-Wan in the morning, content to just feel safe and loved between his parents on the bed.

And maybe a bit squished. “…You need a bigger bed.” Anakin pouted, his pout growing as Qui-Gon just chuckled quietly into the dark night.

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