Sweethearthungry – I’m curious to see how they get out with Obi-wan so out of it. I love your stories so much. (Also FYI, on the last heely trick update you tagged it different than the others so it doesn’t link up with the rest of the ‘series’)

Pausing as they heard a noise around the corner, Cody tightened his grip on his General as Waxer and Boil moved forward almost as one, both battle ready in case one of the pirates came and saw them.

Thankfully, no such thing happened, only a mouse droid coming around the corner, causing the 212th to relax and Cody to quietly start walking once more.

Once they got out of their cells, the troopers instantly got a move on it.

Their escape was almost blown the moment they got out of the brig though, a human coming over them and if it wasn’t for Gus quickly knocking her out and grabbing her gear, cuffing her into one of the cells, they would have a battle on their hands.

Now however, they had not only two blasters from her belt, distributed to Waxer and Boil since they were leading them out, but they also had a radio comm with chatter from the pirates, Gus keeping it on a low volume to listen in.

Normally, Cody would be the one to lead but he had another, more important task.

He was carrying Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan was too out of it to sneak around as required, it had been too long since he had feed properly, especially in captivity and they hadn’t had the time before he was captured.

So Cody had swept the Jedi off his feet and into his arms, ignoring the muttered protest as he carried Obi-Wan through the pirate ship.

Gus, Longshot, Wooley, Crys, Blackout, Sketch, Boil and Waxer were all stationed in the front with everyone else coming behind Cody, ensuring that their Jedi was kept in the middle of the pack so to speak.

If they were found, the two with blasters were first and then the ones with the most hand to hand battle experience outside of Cody, keeping their Jedi not only safe but also in the middle of the troopers.

Troopers that were quite literally blood thirsty in this moment and eager for battle.

But safety for Obi-Wan took priority, which was why they were looking for the escape pods while also sabotaging the pirates ship.

In particular they were sabotaging the motor, Chopper and Punch having sliced into the terminal when they had come over them and done their own little version of chaos.

Cody didn’t quite understand it but what he knew was that they had an hour, or well half an hour now, to find the damn escape pods and get out of kark because in half an hour, the motors were going to blow fuses and quite literally explode, Chopper and Punch having silenced the alarms that would have normally gone off in such a situation until it was too late.

With their motor out of commission, the troopers would take the escape pod and… well escape.

The pirates would be too busy putting out the fires to stop them.

Of course, their escape wasn’t smooth sailing and Cody pushed himself up against the wall with a hiss as he clutched Obi-Wan protectively to him, Wooley and Longshot tackling a wookie that had suddenly come down the hall, the three hitting the ground with a loud thud that seemed to echo through the hall.

Or at least that was what it felt like to Cody.

The wookie let out a cry that was sharply silenced as Boil shot him point blank in the face, the entire group freezing as they went on alert, Obi-Wan squirming slightly in confusion in his arms.

Had anyone heard the small skirmish?

Had anyone heard their friend call out?

For what felt like an eternity, they waited until Cody finally gave a quiet order for them to get a move on it as nothing happened.

No pirate came to investigate and no alarms were tripped.

Gus stuffed the wookie into a cleaning closet while snatching the blaster rifle off him, Cody nodding in approval as they continued walking down the same hall the pirate had come from. Best not leave evidence out in the open, just in case.

And finally, finally.

They had reached the escape pod bay.

Where two pirates were in the middle of fixing one of them.

The two humans stared at the troopers and the troopers stared back, both groups equally surprised. “…Waxer.” stated quietly.

Two blasts lit up the escape bay.

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