can we have more of the A/B/O Jangobi? I just want to see them happy with their baby!

Smiling goofily as he rested his head on Obi-Wan’s belly, Jango couldn’t believe how his life had turned out like this.

Laying on the couch in the Jedi temple, between his mate’s legs, his head resting on the clearly pup swollen belly with Obi-Wan fingers scratching and massaging Jango’s scalp as the Jedi watched his silly little musical show with several pillows behind his back as he was more reclined than laying flat.

Or well, not silly really, but not Jango’s thing at least.

No, Jango’s thing was more feeling how big and warm his mate was, the sensation of his pup beneath his cheek as they moved, Obi-Wan’s sweet scent wrapped around them and the affection that seemed to just linger in the air somehow.

He never expected his life to go this way.

He had thought it be him and Boba, that was all there would be of his pack, a clan of two and no more.

And now he had an intimate pack consisting of Obi-Wan, Boba, Anakin and Rex as the others mate and external pack consisting of a thousand of vode and Jedi, the entire temple becoming a place of safety and warmth.

A proper Clan.

And getting to know the Jedi culture was also something he had come shockingly to appreciate actually.

If the Mandalorians of old had known what Jango knew now… well, he knew quite a few that would have been chasing down Jedi for courtship instead of battle for sure with the parallels that could be drawn between true Mandalorians and Jedi.

Both swore oaths to live by, both would protect their adiik with their lives, took in foundlings that became kin just as fiercely as any born to them, both protected their own people and both were people that could be marginalized by the rest of the galaxy, people as often turning on true Mandalorians as they did on Jedi.

To know that so much of the old hate was made on prejudice… it was strange to think and Jango wondered what Jaster would have said to all of it if he had survived Montross betrayal.

‘…He’d have been fucking thrilled and harassed the scholars in the temple,’ Jango thought some amusement tinged with sadness.

The years had taken the bitterness and anger, had dulled it so only the fond memories remained, but the sadness would always be there.

He’d always miss his adoptive dad, just as he missed his biological parents, just as he missed Arla and often wondered what kind of aunt she’d have been for Boba.

A gentle hand ran over his cheek, catching his attention as he shifted to peer up at Obi-Wan, the other staring down at him with a questioning, saddened gaze. “Your scent shifted, what were you thinking of?” He asked quietly.

Rubbing his cheek down against the belly, Jango let out a deep sigh. “I was just… contemplating how my father and sister would have reacted to all of this. That’s… all.” He rumbled out.

Obi-Wan’s eyes turned sad before he smiled comfortingly down at Jango, running his hand through his mate hair once more, purring quietly.

Jango couldn’t change the past.

The past would forever be stained in blood, pain and betrayal of the worst kind but he had the future in front of him. He wouldn’t soil the future by letting the past taint it, missing and mourning his past family was fine.

But he had a future family to think of.

And new pups that would come.

Catching Obi-Wan’s free hand, Jango brought it to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to the knuckles, rubbing the pale hand slowly as he held onto it, letting his mate comfort him along with the soothing feel of the pup beneath his cheek.

This was all he needed, Jango Fett had everything he had ever wanted.

A mate and his adiik, all safe and sound.

And he would fight tooth and nail to ensure it would remain that way.

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