I love so MANY of your stories and right now I want to see where AWOL is going. If the Senate group is the distraction, how did the Kamino raid go? I can’t wait until the little cadets show up and the twins have a creche group of hundreds. Will someone attack the diplomatic group and those Masters remind the Senate how Bamf those Masters are despite pretty feathers?I can feel for Padme, but she neglected her children and husband who was giving all up to be with her… More pls

Huffing faintly with relief as the communication hub powered down, Obi-Wan peered at the others.

To be frank, they hadn’t thought this far because they weren’t sure what was going to happen once they were on Coruscant but so far they hadn’t ended up jailed just yet or attacked despite glares and an uneasy Senate.

No plans ever really survived contact with the enemy, so beyond ‘get on Coruscant and keep the galaxy eye on us and not any potential distress signals from Kamino.’ there hadn’t really been any plans on their end.

Cody and the council masters going with the troopers to Kamino however had several plans that Obi-Wan had been faintly aware of.

But Cody and the other vode were now done, all the young clones, at least by the vode standard with the speedy aging, liberated from Tipoca City, the samples of DNA the kaminoans had were destroyed to avoid them creating more and the planet were in full information blackout as the younglings and older vode were being transported to Vercopa, post haste.

Which meant that the Jedi on Coruscant could also leave.

But not obviously.

Ever since they landed, their rented apartment in the Senatorial district had been under watch at all times by several factions, from bounty hunters, senate owned guards, spies and the Coruscant guard, though the latter were there to pretend they were still serving the Senate.

But Fox was doing his to keep the Jedi safe for his brothers more than anything.

‘And I imagine lately because he’s getting along with Plo and Depa.’ Obi-Wan thought in amusement to himself, having found the Commander in deep conversation with both at separate occasions.

Maybe he should warn Commander Wolffe that his vod looked like he was about to either steal his buir or that he’d have more brothers adopted by his Jedi and would have to share the man even more?

Honestly, if it could breath and talk and stayed still for longer than ten minutes, Plo was bound to adopt it at some point Obi-Wan had come to learn, much to his own amusement as he got to learn just how many creche younglings Plo had come back with.

And no one would be forgetting ‘Plo’s bros’ nose art anytime soon, considering how many depictions of the Wolfpack and Plo with those words were on different ships in various sizes.

Someone cleared their throats and Obi-Wan focused back, looking to Oppo as the thisspiasian flickered his tail. “It seems we can now make preparations to leave, not that it would take long should we request Commander Fox help I would imagine.” The man mused, looking to Plo and Depa.

Both looked to each other before both also nodded. “Fox is quite capable, as most of the officers of the vode,” Depa agreed softly, Obi-Wan absently reaching up to pet Stass head as she tiredly rested it on her shoulder. “I’ll contact him, hear if he could find us a ship and where we should go to get off Coruscant.” She stood, moving to away so Stass could rest.

Honestly, the sooner they left, the better in Obi-Wan’s eyes.

He wanted to go home and looking at the old temple was causing a melancholic ache in his chest most days, being in the Senate caused frustration and some anger and talking to Padme…

He’d rather not honestly.

“I rather imagine we’ll be sneaking about a bit,” Plo mused, tapping his claws on his knee. When the others shot him a look, except for Depa and Stass, he shrugged. “We wouldn’t want to alert our little audience to our escape now, would we.” He stated with some amusement.

Snorting, Obi-Wan agreed, reaching out and carefully shifting Stass to lay her head in his lap as she fell properly asleep. “True. I guess we’ll be jumping out some windows or something in the middle of the night… bugger that.” He sighed.

Flickering his tail on the floor, Oppo sighed too. “At least we aren’t going through the sewers, nasty business that… especially for me.” He sent them all a look, Plo, Mace and Obi-Wan grimacing in agreement.

At least they had boots on their feet compared to Oppo slithering through the sewers.

“Window’s it is.” Mace agreed before giving Stass a glance and shrugging, laying down on the other side of Obi-Wan on the couch and using the rest of his lap, much to the bemusement of the stewjoni as Plo snapped a picture for prosperity.

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