SecretWeCarry oh POOR Obi!! That was rough on him, and I’m REALLY glad that Anakin got there in enough time to prevent more damage – I could practically SEE him Force-toss Grievous, and that was awesome. And the Troopers were great too, dogpiling Grievous like they did! I’m surprised but grateful that nobody was seriously hurt by him!

Pulling his General away from the furious fight between Skywalker and the cyborg, Cody struggled not to let his Jedi know that he was limping.

Grievous kicks were one hell of a tool and Cody was honestly a bit envious by the clanker even if he’d never admit to that.

Thanks to that, several of the troopers were feeling the effect of said kicks or just feeling the effect of hitting the durasteel floor of the Negotiator when they were shaken off after dog piling the fucker.

Considering Obi-Wan’s personality, Obi-Wan would be sure to blame himself for their injuries despite Grievous being the perpetrator.

Obi-Wan had been proven to blame himself for the actions of others when he was the target they were after before.

He still blamed himself for Maul after all.

Tucking the redhead to his side, Cody glanced to Boil and Waxer, relaxing slightly when the former raised a thumb before quickly signing in hand signals to him.

The two were sore but not too injured, their armor protecting them as intended. ‘Unlike Obi-Wan.’ Cody winced as the redhead coughed then spat blood onto the floor, barely hanging onto Cody for support as the man swayed. “General, we need to get you to a medi-” A trooper hustled over, one of the shiny’s, though Cody couldn’t tell which of them with their helmet on.

But he had a medical backpack in hand.

It would be enough for emergency treatment, until things cooled down and Cody could get the General back to Helix and the medbay for a proper checkup. ‘As long as we can chase the fucking clankers and the big clanker himself of off the ship, though with the raw power Skywalker’s currently throwing at him, he’s bound to turn cockroach soon.’ Cody glanced over to the battle.

Skywalker was a raging bantha bull in a pen at the moment as he kept literally throwing the heavy cyborg off his mechanical feet, not even letting him get close with his many sabers to attack.

Clearly the severe threat to his former master had put the man in snit, not that Cody could blame him as he felt Obi-Wan cling to him for support as the shiny put medicine dispenser to his neck and injected.

Honestly, any sane man would have turned tail and run when they had seen the look on Anakin Skywalker’s face when Obi-Wan buckled to the floor, blood and bile in his beard and on his soft cardigan, his face pallid from his pain and sweaty from exertion as he trembled against on his knees.

Then again, you couldn’t accuse Grievous of being a sane man could you, considering who he regularly went up against and who he served.

Glancing back at his slumped General, Cody took a chance and slowly started to sink down on the durasteel floor with the man, keeping him supported all the way down as the shiny paused long enough for Obi-Wan to be settled before continuing, this time with a bacta spray in hand for the obvious head wound the man had.

“Easy does it General, we got it under control…” Cody whispered, hesitating before reaching out to slowly run his fingers through the blood matted red hair. “We got your back General. Trust us.” Cody whispered, swallowing thickly.

Isolating their General had lead to much of his weakness in the beginning as his biology had released the hormones that suppressed his appetite, not to mention what had occurred while he was undercover as Hardeen.

So if the other had rejected him and told him to buzz off while he was injured, Cody would have understood.

Instead Obi-Wan let out a low whine and pressed closer to Cody. “I always do…” He breathed out, coughing up blood onto Cody’s chestplate and vambrace, keening quietly as the shiny set another injection. “I trust you.” He slurred, only half aware as Cody fought his own tears, protectively wrapped around his General as both trusted the rest of the troopers and Skywalker to send Grievous and his droids packing.

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