I think we need some ADHD!Obi fun facts. Can we have our ADHD boy spouting off some facts?

Scratching and rubbing slowly with his fingers on the small back, Qui-Gon absently wondered how in the world his padawan could be comfortable as he glanced away from his pad to look down at the other.

The teen had laid out over Qui-Gon’s lap on his stomach, legs resting on one side of the couch with his feet swaying slightly in the air as his elbows were settled on the other side of the older Jedi’s lap as Obi-Wan absently read from his pad. How that didn’t strain his neck or stomach, Qui-Gon had no idea as Obi-Wan looked quite at peace.

It was almost humorous really and Qui-Gon wished he could get a picture taken of the two.

After Obi-Wan’s fit a few days ago, Qui-Gon had pulled Obi-Wan out of class for a few days to aid his padawan, Master Ferreno guiding the yavinese man through several exercises that would help Obi-Wan.

It had helped, particularly talking with Obi-Wan while keeping their bond wide open so his padawan could feel Qui-Gon’s every emotion.

The good, the bad and the neutral.

It made it very hard for Obi-Wan’s rejection sensitive dysphoria to convince him that Qui-Gon was going to send him away when he could feel every emotion his master had, none of which contained any anger at Obi-Wan.

Only sorrow and concern.

It was a trick Qui-Gon would remember for the future, for the next time Obi-Wan’s ADHD symptoms kicked in to throw obstacles in his path towards knighthood.

Maybe he could even open the bond fully when Obi-Wan had pa- “A duel between three people is called a truel.” Obi-Wan sudden voice interrupted Qui-Gon’s contemplation.

Slowly, the Jedi master lowered the pad he hadn’t been reading, staring at his padawan. “…What?” He questioned, bemused, his free hand pausing on Obi-Wan’s back.

Shrugging, Obi-Wan glanced at him before focusing back. “Truel. And bullfrogs don’t sleep.” The boy continued.

Amused more than anything, Qui-Gon started rubbing the others back again, knowing how well Obi-Wan responded to physical affection when he wasn’t in a sensitive phase. “Indeed? Anything more you want to tell me?” He smiled, making a mental note to look up the truel thing.

Not that he didn’t believe Obi-Wan but he was rather curious where in the world such a word had come to be and if there were historical accounts of truel.

It was rather common for three people sometimes to duel in the salle, usually one against two in tag teams but he had never heard anyone call it a truel.

“The square watermelons you saw on our last missions aren’t edible,” Obi-Wan eyes were for the most part on his pad, though he clearly wasn’t reading and kept glancing at Qui-Gon to see his reaction, the boy reaching slightly out in their bond to gauge Qui-Gon’s mood. “They’re utterly ornamental.” Visibly relaxing when all he could feel from Qui-Gon was amusement, Obi-Wan smiled shyly at him.

Chuckling faintly, Qui-Gon opened their bond, ensuring Obi-Wan could feel he wasn’t hiding any displeasure at the others information. “Interesting… and too bad, I wanted to eat one.” He pouted a bit.

Wiggling a bit on Qui-Gon’s lap, Obi-Wan rolled onto his back, grinning when Qui-Gon patted at the teens tummy instead. “There’s a red flower on Merco-Xani that smells like chocolate, its named chocolate cosmos.” He settled his pad on his chest, humming faintly when Qui-Gon paused.

Glancing to his plant shelves, Qui-Gon mused. “Is it rare? Maybe I could grow one…” Not because he was particularly fond of chocolate himself but Obi-Wan had a sweet tooth…

Giggling at that, Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’m not sure but master, its not edible!” He grinned up at him.

Bopping the other on the nose with a chuckle, Qui-Gon winked. “But it will smell nice. That’s all it has to do.” He teased back.

Laughing, Obi-Wan rolled back onto his stomach on Qui-Gon’s lap, getting comfortable once more.

For several long minutes, it was quiet, Qui-Gon watching Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan reading his pad, seemingly out of random facts to give as the master went back to his own pad.

And then…

“Tyromancy is the practice of predicting the future in cheese.” Came a cheerful chirp, Qui-Gon choking on his own spit with a surprised laugh.

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