SecretWeCarry, oh I’m so glad that Anakin is on his way! As if this wasn’t emotionally-charged enough, Grievous just HAD to step in; Anakin is SO shook up. Part of me is glad he could get close enough for the bond to open – that means OBI can sense him in return, so he’s not TECHNICALLY alone – but it also worries me, because if Anakin’s NOT quick enough, that bond is only going to highlight for Anakin how much he’s failing Obi right now. Either way, Grievous makes this a dicey situation!

Slamming into the wall with a sickening crack, Obi-Wan cried out with pain and spat up blood and bile on the durasteel floor, all sounds around him muted down except the ringing in his ears.

He had been right that Grievous had been on the boarding party along with a squadron of droids that kept the troopers busy for the most part, the cyborg targeting Obi-Wan immidiatly with Obi-Wan responding as best he could, the two exchanging taunts as normal.

Well, the slippers had given the cyborg a pause but things had quickly devolved from their to a full on battle in the hanger.

And now Obi-Wan was quite clearly having internal injuries along with the external ones, a thin stream of blood making its way down Obi-Wan’s temple from his hair.

Potentially a flesh wound from hitting the wall, Grievous cyborg leg hitting with the force of a skycar out of control.

And Grievous kick had clearly done damage to his insides as well, with the hit to the wall had rung Obi-Wan’s head, his head throbbing as he struggled to get to his feet, the wheezing of the cyborg coming closer sending panic through Obi-Wan’s systems.

It was so hard, he could barely keep up with the damn cyborg at the moment but thankfully the troopers were aiding him, causing Grievous to roar with anger, the sound echoing off the walls along with the sounds of blasters as someone threw a grenade at him to give Obi-Wan a chance to recover..

Cody had outright tackled the cyborg with a few others only a few minutes earlier, dog piling him before being shaken off.

Thankfully, none of the troopers seemed too injured by that action, Obi-Wan didn’t know if he could forgive himself if any of them died here and now in the hanger with Grievous when there was just a token force of droids to keep them occupied while Grievous was doing his best to kill Obi-Wan.

Thankfully, as Obi-Wan parried a lightsaber swinging at him, he felt the bond between himself and Anakin become alive with proximity, the other clearly on his way.

Obi-Wan could have cried with relief but ended up dodging from another lightsaber slash, his ribs protesting as Obi-Wan spat out another mouthful of blood.

Because Obi-Wan wasn’t enough.

He was sick, he was injured and he just wanted to sleep but Grievous was a danger to every trooper onboard, Obi-Wan refused to hide when he knew the other was out after him. He wouldn’t sacrifice the troopers just to run away from the damn cyborg that was so intent on killing him.

“Pathetic Kenobi,” Grievous wheezed at him, Obi-Wan barely jumping out of the way of one saber while parrying another. “Your condition has left you even weaker than before. I will take great pleasure in taking your head and your saber.” He growled out, somehow managing to both wheeze and sound smug at the same time.

Normally, Obi-Wan would be jauntily replying back, sassing and distracting but all of Obi-Wan’s focus was going into defending and breathing.

He was just feeling so exhausted and in pain, seeing double of everything and inwardly he cursed.

Knocking his head against the wall must have done some trauma.

Hissing as his next dodge wasn’t good enough, cutting through his leggings and into his left thigh, Obi-Wan wondered how long he could keep going when he heard the most beautiful sentence in the world.

“Skywalker incoming!” A trooper called out and Obi-Wan could have cried from relief, hearing a ship, most likely Anakin’s Interceptor, coming powering through the force field of the hanger.

And when he heard the tell-tale sounds of a ship crashing against the floor and the popping of a canopy he could have laughed.

‘Another happy landing…’ He thought hysterically, his knees buckling under him as Anakin came roaring into his field of vision, the blond knocking Grievous back with a throw of brute Force.

Reinforcement had arrived and Obi-Wan could finally, finally lean into the aid of Cody when the commander appeared at his side to pull him away from the fight gingerly, trusting Anakin to deal with the interloper as he powered down his saber.

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