#MajorStars- Does Obi get warned off from spending time with Anakin? Does he get sent off on long term missions so he can “let go” of his attachment to his son?

Frowning up at the door, Anakin tried knocking again, the sound echoing faintly down hall B11, one of several knight dorms on this level and this door in particular holding the name plate ‘Kenobi’.

No answer once more much to Anakin’s disquiet.

His bearer had been out of touch for days now, neither Qui-Gon or Anakin being able to get into touch with the Knight and honestly, Anakin was getting rather worried since Obi-Wan had made a point of contacting Anakin somehow once a day, by showing up where he was eating, sending him an encouraging message when Anakin was working on his homework, being in the salle when Anakin was sparring or training with fellow padawans or his master, showing up for a visit and dinner in their quarters or inviting them to his, or hell, even showing up as a TA for some of the classes, a secretive wink in Anakin’s direction.

It made for fun lessons in Anakin’s eyes, the warmth of Obi-Wan’s attention during class making him strive to do better.

Even in poetry and Anakin hated poetry, bleh.

But four days ago, Obi-Wan had gone dark and while initially not worried, Anakin was after the second day, especially when Qui-Gon told him he wasn’t able to get into contact with Obi-Wan either.

‘He’s not home now either…’ Anakin bit his lower lip, wondering where in the temple he could potentially look for the other.

He couldn’t just stretch his senses all over the temple, that was rude, everyone would be able to tell he was doing it and honestly, it would be invasive. Anakin had no need to know where everyone was.

But he did want to know where Obi-Wan was.

As he stood in front of Obi-Wan’s door, arms crossed with a thoughtful frown on his face, a few knights came down the hall from the opposite end, all deeply involved in a conversation.

Honestly, Anakin barely paid them any attention until one of them, a female zabrak, called out to him. “Are you looking for Kenobi, padawan Skywalker?” She called curiously, pausing with her friends a few steps ahead of her.

Turning to her, giving a shallow but polite bow, Anakin nodded. “Master wanted to invite him for dinner but we can’t get a hold of him.” A white lie, giving a reason for why he was there and why he was looking for Obi-Wan.

The lady smiled apologetic and Anakin felt an uneasy feeling rumble through his stomach. “Well, that’s too bad. He was sent of on a mission in the middle of the night a few days ago. Was really hasty, he apparently didn’t have time to leave a message behind if even your master didn’t know,” She explained calmly before turning back to her friends. “But at least you know now, so you should tell your master too.”

Struggling not to drop his jaw, Anakin nodded mutely before hurrying away, his heart pounding slightly.

Obi-Wan was on a mission?

But last they saw each other, Obi-Wan said he had down time for a full two months!

What kind of haste mission had Anakin’s bearer been sent on so suddenly?

For all that he was extraordinary in Anakin’s eyes, he was only one of many knights, no more special than the next one even though his skills in negotiation was apparently beyond many others as Obi-Wan excelled in it.

So why had Obi-Wan been sent of in such a haste, to the point he hadn’t even left a message.

‘Oh, I’ll be telling dad alright.’ Anakin thought, determined as he rushed back to their quarters.

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