Please tell me Anakin is on his way in Secret we carry!?

Snarling loudly as raced through the halls, the blaring alarms covering the sound, Anakin questioned how the hell this had happened.

Of all the bastards to find them this far out from anyone that could aid them, it was Grievous.

Anakin had preferred karking Ventress to that scrap metal, at least she could be talked with, as much as Anakin hated both, at least Ventress he knew could have a bone of sympathy in her body that the other CIS did not have.

Especially not with Obi-Wan.

Ventress had once tortured Obi-Wan, made everyone think he was dead but Obi-Wan reminded her of her lost master supposedly and sometimes, sometimes as the mission where Obi-Wan landed in Maul’s grasp showed, Ventress could extend mercy towards him.

Ah but Ventress no longer fought at the CIS side, she had turned on Dooku and was now somewhere else in the shitty galaxy where Obi-Wan was now karking fighting against Grievous, who had boarded the Negotiator!

Anakin had almost screamed when he had seen the boarding ship impact the side of the Negotiator.

He had known.

The moment he saw he had known and had been moving away from the controls while yelling for Rex to take charge as he charged down the halls to the elevator, desperate to get to his interceptor, the same Interceptor kind Obi-Wan had.

The ones Anakin had painted for them.

One yellow and one red.

The colors of the Open Circle Armada, the colors of the fleet he and Obi-Wan commanded, gaining untold victories together as Jedi Generals.

But Obi-Wan wasn’t the same warrior as he was back then.

He was currently weakened, he was here to recover and Anakin with the 212th and 501st were there to protect him.

‘Please, just hold on long enough for me to get there. I know you can, you’re strong Obi-Wan but so is Grievous, so just hold on for me to get my karking ass over there.’ Anakin gritted his teeth, grasping desperately at the muted by distance bond he had to Obi-Wan.

That at least let him know Obi-Wan was alive.

Alive but scared.

Gritting his teeth, Anakin legged it the last few halls, bursting into the hanger and startling several mouse droids and several clone ship marshallers. A few called after him but Anakin didn’t have time.

He didn’t even wait for R2, Force opening the canopy to throw himself into his Interceptor. “I’m on my way. I’m on my way. Just hold on.” He panted, engaging the motors, hearing people cry out and R2 crying out curses in binary as Anakin took off without the astromech, racing out the Resolute’s hanger and into battle.

Not that he was going to remain in battle.

He was aimed at the Negotiator’s hanger, shooting what came between him and his goal, trusting his troopers to take care of the droid bait and Rex to take care of the Resolute. He knew he could trust them.

And while he also trusted Cody and the 212th, he needed to be at Obi-Wan’s side.

“If he touches one hair on Obi-Wan’s head,” Anakin hissed out between clenched teeth, hands clenched on the Interceptors controllers. “I’ll fucking shove his own beating heart into his lungs with my flesh hand.” He pulled the controls sharply, bringing the Interceptor into a sharp dive, aiming for the open hanger of the Negotiator, Obi-Wan’s voice coming into clarity as Anakin cleared into proximity, their bond breaking open.

‘Anakin! Help!’

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