Aaahhh! Obi has adopted a pup in LupineCopper, it’s clear as day. Protective!Obi, here we come! His doting on Anakin is ADORABLE, and I love it! They connected so cleanly! I can’t wait to see the differences it continues to make, as they stomp all over canon! They are just too cute, and Qui-Gon indulges them, too, so that’s even better!

Maybe in another world, Qui-Gon would have alienated himself from Obi-Wan at that moment, maybe in another world, his words would have caused a chasm between them.

In another world with a cliche plot intended to cause harm.

In this one however, Obi-Wan’s eyes flashed before he moved forward, instincts pushing natural respect and reverence behind as he settled his hands on Anakin’s shoulders, the boy looking up at him when he did. “Then its a good thing I can train him,” Obi-Wan stated clearly, hunching slightly over Anakin. He saw Ka-Adi open his mouth to the side and beat him to the punch. “After all, I have three years on me before Anakin officially turns thirteen, I will be a knight before then.” He stated calmly, feeling both Qui-Gon’s worry and pride in their bond.

After all, Obi-Wan never put himself at odds with the council before.

Yoda and Mace exchanged looks, the old master frowning slightly and Obi-Wan had to fight his urge to tighten his grip.

He didn’t want to bruise his pup.

Instead he narrowed his eyes at the two masters, knowing that they would be speaking for the gathered council.

The council, regardless what, was never really unified in a decision.

Put ten sentient in a room and there would be at least five sides to any decision.

But they would present as if unified.

Obi-Wan knew better, he had been there during arguments Qui-Gon had started, he knew that some on the council sometimes agreed with Qui-Gon, there was always one who agreed with what Qui-Gon said.

As he had heard once, when nine agreed, it was the tenth man’s duty to disagree and speak their case.

“A padawan you are young Kenobi,” Obi-Wan twitched at being spoken too, almost bared his teeth angrily at Yoda. It was obvious the other went with those words to make Obi-Wan smaller, bringing his title and his age into play. “And too old young Skywalker is.” Yoda tacked on, watching him closely.

A great grandmaster watching a great grandpadawan, a silent rebuke.

The scrutiny and wisdom of eight hundred years.

But not perfect wisdom.

Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at Yoda in turn, giving into his urge to bare his teeth even as he forced them into a smile.

Not a nice one if the way he could see Kit Fisto reacting from the corner of his eyes even if Yoda and Master Mace didn’t react. “Then I guess the Jedi order loses a padawan,” He stated as easily as if he was not attempting to leave the only life he knew, giving into his urge to pull Anakin closer to him. “I am not losing my pup.” He tacked on, his pupils slitting for a second before returning to their natural, human state.

Master Mace opened his mouth only to shut it a moment later, a shift going through the entire council, quiet muttering.

Anakin shifted nervously, looking up at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan glanced back down at him, squeezing his shoulders carefully before looking back at the council, his eyes finding Yoda’s and locking in a stare as the old beings ears twitched in thought.

Ancient sentient against ancient creature, the lines of werewolves as old as the galaxy and both equally as stubborn as each other.

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