So I just BLASTED through all of UncertainBeginnings, and oof! I love it! The concept is so neat, and the things that Obi-Wan does differently than canon add such a delightful twist. I love how Jango slowly adjusts to having a Jedi in his space, and then how it becomes so much more than that. I LOVE how clearly he cares for Obi! And I adore how fiercely Obi loves the little Clones, how EAGER he is to go to bat for them, to protect and love and teach them! It’s wonderful!

Rubbing his face as he sat up, Obi-Wan blearily glanced around the apartment as the rain beat against the window.

How he… disliked Kamino.

And those damn kaminoans or longnecks as the clones called them.

Grimacing, Obi-Wan pushed his blanket off himself and got up, stretching slowly.

Force, he wanted to go home but he still had so much to do.

The council members would be arriving later today, Anakin would be too, hopefully his brother padawan could take a look at his arm. Lately the damn thing had been twitching oddly every time Obi-Wan used some of the internal bits unless he was hooked into something like with the prods.

But releasing the blade or electro prod made a strange twitch go through the workings of it.

Anakin had spent the last several years examining and working with Obi-Wan’s arm, being a natural tech wizard and supplied with the information that existed about Obi-Wan’s arm, he had improved it in several ways or fixed it.

The only thing he couldn’t do anything about was the derma covering Obi-Wan used to have.

Since Naboo and triggering the internals to take out Maul, Obi-Wan’s arm no longer tolerated the tight covering derma had, heating up after a few short hours to the point the derma started to melt off of.

That was not ideal and therefore they had stopped though sometimes they would try with new experimental derma, to see if it would work for him.

So far, nothing.

Obi-Wan often had to cover his arm with a glove if he was to planets that had issues with such things or had a climate that did not agree with his metal arm.

Sand in particular was an issue and Anakin had often complained about it to Obi-Wan.

Breathing out, Obi-Wan stepped over to the window to peer out at the raging ocean as the rain slammed down, his dream coming back to him.

The Senate in uproar, a smiling Chancellor with flashing golden eyes, the council with young Anakin in the middle and Senator Amidala walking on a tightrope.

‘A vision or just a dream… hard to say.’ Obi-Wan frowned to himself. If it was a dream, it was certainly one created by what he knew, what he suspected and what he had managed to get Maul to tell him under oath that he was not to reveal what he knew to anyone.

If only he hadn’t promised, if only the Force didn’t ping in warning every time he wanted to inform the council of Palpatine’s true nature.

He could only assume that the reason Jango he was able to inform the other was because he already knew what Palpatine truly was.

To this day he cursed his oath to Maul, the Sith apprentice behind the ray shields sneering in triumph as Obi-Wan sat there in shock, the Force filled with as much sorrow as victory.

An oath made in the Force was not one easily broken.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Obi-Wan hadn’t tried to subtly lead others to the realization of what Palpatine truly was, that he hadn’t made comments here and there and when the Chancellor had tried to have Anakin sent to him…

Well, Obi-Wan had balked and extremely loudly asked what an old man wanted with a young boy of Anakin’s age in private.

That had thankfully quickly put a stop to any meetings, though Anakin had refused to talk to Obi-Wan for two months, until that mission where Obi-Wan ended up in bacta in the Halls. He had woken up to Anakin holding his hand, the padawan’s eyes red rimmed and terrified, the boy crying into his chest for a solid five minutes at least.

It was what made Obi-Wan realize that Anakin dealt with loosing people badly.

And why Obi-Wan had sabotaged his own ship during a mission, forcing him to ‘accidentally’ land on Tatooine.

If there was an extra passenger on his ship and he was missing certain parts of his ship that was none vital for survival that he had to trade for ‘parts’ supposedly… well, the truth was only known to Obi-Wan and a certain lady.

The Force tingled and Obi-Wan looked up at its prodding, his eyes caught on a ship entering atmosphere.

The other Jedi had finally arrived.

It was time.

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